
Mar 03, 2004 05:16

Hooray for all-nighters. It's now definitely way past the point where I could actually get any quality sleep, so I figure it's best to pull on through and try to finish this paper.
I got an article written though, so now I won't have to do it this weekend and I can instead focus on my horrible mockery of a Blake essay. That will need some serious time and energy.
The weather has been so beautiful lately. I didn't need more than a T-shirt today for the first time in MONTHS. It was amazing. Eddy and I ate McDonald's OUTSIDE, and we weren't even cold! I'm walking to class just to enjoy the weather and the sunshine. Slowly but surely that snow is melting away, and by God it will soon. There's less of it every day. It makes me so happy.
And I've had just about the best week ever so far, so here's to hoping it stays this way. I've planned a trip to Boston that should be tons of fun, both of my classes were cancelled today so I had a lazy day sleeping in and lounging around instead of starting my papers, I got some good feedback after doing my scene for the last time in acting Monday, I got to talk to some people I've been missing a lot lately, and I had my first real rehearsal for the Opera and now I can tell it's going to be a lot of fun and a really good experience. The director also told me I have a very important part, which is always good to hear.
And finally, after much deliberation and careful consideration, I've decided to stay here and forget about transferring for at least next year. I can't really think of leaving right now, because I would actually miss so much. I plan on rooming with Christen again and we will hopefully get a great room somewhere. Aisha is moving with some of her friends into a house nearby, which will be awesome and lots of fun to hang out in next year. I'm already looking forward to participating in the paper, and hopefully to do a musical through the Musical Theater Club, and taking the Pop Culture course, and doing more theater and voice here...
The things I wish I could change will still be there, yes, but by focusing on the good things and the positive aspects of my life here now, I can outweigh the bad and justify staying. It's the best thing for me personally and I feel like all the signs are there for me to realize it.
Back to this week, I have auditions for the Broadway Revue Thursday night. I'm iffy about the whole thing, but I think it will be fun. Who cares if no one shows up?! I don't even know what I'm singing yet. And I have to practice Jazz before Thursday, attend a paper meeting and show them my first serious article, which I really hope they like...and then Friday is my lesson...Sunday is another Opera rehearsal...
And I just know this weekend will be fun because Christen doesn't have to work at all. She actually lost her job Sunday but it's kind of a good thing because now she can get a real job at a restaurant with actual people eating there, and she also got to steal a bunch of silverware, shot glasses, Cherry Grenadine, and other stuff since the restaurant closed for good.
Anyway. This is my first happy post in God knows how long. I am just scared that things are going so well that something bad is going to happen soon. However, I'm probably going to be so damn busy I won't even notice.
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