Sep 09, 2003 19:11

I just joined arts and crafts club. Gonna be tight...
And my thumb that I smashed over the weekend is feeling much better, thanks to the hole a nurse burned into it yesterday crafternoon, er afternoon...heh heh.
Anyway, I also tried out for an audition chorus similar to Singers, and he told me I made it in one of the two right on the spot, without even hearing my prepared piece...because, uhh I didn't have one. I was going to fudge something I'd learned the day before in my voice workshop or do some musical theater piece a capella, but he said it wouldn't be necessary. KICK ASS...he told me I had done very nicely and I had a really nice soprano upper register. Totally made my day.
Lastly, I joined the newspaper Bard Observer last week and I got an assignment tonight when I went by the booth to check in and see if I was already signed up from the meeting, which I was. We have a meeting tomorrow night so I asked the girl what I should plan on doing, and discussed some possible first pieces...she thinks I should do the fun stuff, i.e. "Hot finds at CVS Pharmacy" like a spin-off bargain buys in fashion magazines and the like. Another idea she had for me was a makeup article or something fun. Shallow articles rock. Glad to know I can be of service...(should I be offended?) In any case, it will be fun. I'll just uh, use a pen name. Any suggestions for what that might be?
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