ugh, i this weekend. jesus. let me start from the begining.
friday - i left school early, to go shopping with khandis. and as soon as we're at the mall we get a text from renee that says the school is ON FIRE. and obviously we're like UHM WTF. so apparently some wise ass caught the wood shop room on fire and it spread to the art room! and the funny thing is we were just in there before it happened! after we had the shocking news of that (oh, yeah.. the school is still standing :|) and so yeah, we finished shopping. i only got a new tank and some more exstentions. and after that we went home, and took like 3456 pictures, and hung out at her brothers little leauge game... that lasted until like 10pm. i was so beat by the end of that night.
saturday - i came home from khans around 10, and left for the 'hot air baloon festival' that we got lost on the way going to. as always. we ended up missing the baloons, because apparently they come back at night, so we hung out at the 'fair' which consisted of like two rides, a few concession stands and some people trying to sell bathtubs. not all it was cracked up to be. so needless to say, i got no shots of air baloons.
sunday -GRADUATION. OMFG. khandis and dj graudated. i cried. and yeah. parker still looks so much like friggan brendon, other than that. so much shit happened today. i dont even give a shit about anything dealing with the julianne situation anymore. i owe michelle my life. she is the only person that has ever stuck up for me like she does. shes the only one that sticks by my side through it all. even when i'm the hardest to deal with. after that stupid drama, i hung out with lauren like all day and shot around our neighborhood. yeah. weeds MMM. so i'm pretty much ichy as hell right now. i've got pictures. i look like a fat ass. seriously :| and i'm so jealous of laurens camera, it kicks mines ass anyday. we had a long talk, about things. it was great. and right now my head hurts, this heat is taking a toll on me.
i have exams tomorrow. seroiusly KILL me :|||||
at the chinese place in the new philly mall
at khans
congradulations class os 2008
lauren is my new drug
charlotte and lacey, BOTH IN YELLOW OMG!~
parker and myself. that's a natural smile, mmmmhm
dani teeeeee.
i spit~
i'm still itchy if anyone cares