(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 11:26

* Known as: Paige, paiger, pp
* Live in: Austin
* born on: 3-18/84
* School: UT
* Hair color: Dark Brown
* Bad Habits: actually right now i'm trying to stop a lot of them...but i still bite my nails...and i talk to myself a lot...but that's just kinda embarrassing
* Fears: that i will never find somebody....and that i'll become a loser and never graduate

* Cheated on someone? Nope
* Been Cheated on? no
* Fallen off the bed? when i was younger
* Fallen for a relative? nasty
* Broke someone’s heart? no
* Had your heart broken? unfortunately
* Had a dream come true? ...dunno
* Done something you regret? uh yeah...almost everyday
* Cheated on a test? yeah

* Wearing? a yellow shirt with a blanket...i'm doing laundry
* Listening to? Nothing
* Located? at my momma's house
* Chatting with? myself
* Watching? my kitty cat
* Should REALLY be doing? reading
* Brush your teeth? just did
* Like anybody? no...i never like anybody
* Have any piercings? EARS
* Have any tattoos? No
* Drive? don't
* Drink? juice
* Smoke? Camel Lights in a box
* Got a cellphone? yes but i hate it
* Got a pager? no

* Who is your best? ...dunno, i have a few
* Who do you hate? i like all my friends but there is one that i secretly hate sometimes
* Who do you turn to for personal problems? i guess it depends on who i think can help the most...or not judge me
* Do you hang out with the opposite sex? i have been more recently
* Do you trust your friends? Yeah
* Are you a good friend? ...dunno
* Can you keep a secret? if it's important...but usually not
* Are you forgiving to your friends? sometimes a little too much
* Have you ever cussed any of them out? probably not since highschool
* Got physical with them in a fight? i did with kas and meagan

*Hugged? my mom
*Kissed? some guy at some party
*Talked to on the phone? sars
*Yelled at? my bro
*Beat up? ...

*What do you want to be when you grow up? a PA
*What has been the best day of your life? when i got my acceptance letter to UT
* What comes first in your life? family and friends
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? no
* What do you usually think about before you go to bed? my life
* Did you lose someone you liked? i lost nandi about a year ago
* Do you love your family? of course
* Love your friends? of course
* Would you ever go out with a friend? i completely doubt it...

* Store: best buy
* Relative: hmmm...i don't like any of my relatives...they're bitches
* Sports to play: soccer
* Ice Cream Flavor: cookies and cream
* Fruit: bananas
* Candy: take 5, m&ms
* Holiday: Christmas
* Day of the Week: friday
* Time: evening time
* Color(s): black, navy blue
* Flower: orchids, lilies

*Like to give hugs? i used to...i like hugs better than kisses
*Like to give kisses? No
*Do u prefer pecks or french? peck..on the cheek...no mouth to mouth...unless i'm drunk
*Like to walk in the rain? sometimes...it can be peaceful
*Prefer black or blue pens? Blue
*Like to travel? depends how and where
*Sleep on your side, stomach, or back? i get comfortable on my right side...and then when i'm about to go to sleep i roll over to my left
*Have a goldfish? nope
*Ever have the falling dream? like sometimes if i fall asleep in class i will have a dream where i like i tripped or something and jerk my head up like it was real
*What do you usually dream about? dumb random crap
*Get flowers from friends? no
*Have enemies? ...dunno
*Cook? i like to..but i hate cleaning up afterwards

*Smoking: i'm pretty indifferent...if you do smoke good for you...if you don't good for you
*Eating Disorders: i think that people who have eating disorders are lazy
*Tattoos: i don't like them...well i like some...i guess it depends on the person and the tatoo
*Piercings: i used to like them...but now i think they are trashy
*Your best friends: they're great

*Pierced nose or tongue? for girls,nose...guys,neither
*MTV or BET? mtv
*7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? dawson's creek...i don't wanna wait for my life to be over...hehe
*Sugar or salt? sugar sugar...ahh honey honey
*Silver or gold? Silver
*Chocolate or flowers? Flowers
*Color or Black-and-white photos? black and white
*M&M's or Skittles? Peanut M&M's
*Stay up late or sleep in? sleep in
*Hot or cold? COLD
*Sun or moon? Moon
*Left or Right? Right
*10 Acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend
*Spring or Fall? fall
*Happy or sad? happy
*Wonder or amazement? wonder
*Lights on or off: ...off i guess
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