Had a phone interview with this guy www.johnhusing.com. He was a pretty easy going guy, a real straight shooter. His career started to take off in the mid 1990's, which gives me some hope that it doesn't take a lifetime to get to super-star status
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I talked about him in my article for the SB Sun, saying that I want to do what he does. This is true, I hope one day to have my own company and to work on the projects I want to work on.
Since I talked about him in the article, and the article mentioned that I never talked to him, that bothered me. So I contacted him, so at least I could say that I did and also to see what kind of guy he is.
After talking to him, I realized more what it is that I want to do, so it was uplifting.
I am not sure if this will go anyplace. Best case scenario he has an assignment and he asks me to help him on it, then my name is on some government report, giving me more respectable credentials that my current company reports. Worst case, he is turned off by my forwardness and seeks to sabotage my career. I don't think the worst case scenario is highly likely, but I guess by sending him the notes of the interview for the blog post I could guage his opinion if he responds to my request.
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