Feb 19, 2007 14:44
I'm getting sick of this. It's the same shit over and over again.
Either we are or we aren't together. No more unofficial.
Soon... when I get the guts to, I'll end this back and fourth.
I'll talk to him and tell him I'm fed up... he needs to shape up.
He needs to either jump on it or pack up and leave... for good.
I'm better than to wait around for someone to make up their mind.
Which from past experience with him isn't ever going to happen.
He's just going to be so sorry when he wakes up to find....
Me not there. I wont be there. I'll be gone. Far away.
I was tempted to erase my number out of his phone today.
He left it at his appartment this morning when he left for work.
I stayed over there last night because I can't stand being home.
My mom drives me crazy. I was supposed to be with Riley.
She cancled because her boyfriend planned a suprise evening.
So I just went to good ol' pot head Milo's appartment.
I slept in his bed... and he kept kicking me in his sleep.
One time he even pushed me off the bed on accident.
I'm just so done with this. I've said this so many times before.
I went through and re-read a lot of the things I'd written about him.
Like from summer... and the first summer we were together.
It was so different then. It was so pure and peaceful.
So beautiful and perfect. Too bad... it's not the same.
I miss the way things use to be when love was enough to
conquere the world and the day didn't end until our heads hit the pillow.