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Nov 04, 2004 14:58

so, i'm sitting here eating a strawberry spongebob popsicle push pop and for 3 minutes of my life i have nothing else to do so here i am! i decided i kinda suck at having one of these journal thingies. i like never update ne more.. but thats a -okay

um yes neway!.. i have a game 2night @ central..woo. im sooo sick of basketball season, its fricken never-ending. Buttt whatev.. um so 2moro is Friday!! :) thank God.. this week actually went by pretty fast tho, so i'm not complaining! Monday i went to YG..and liz ended up getting in trouble and had to go home, so ken came over and that was interesting!Tuesday we had no school so that was sweet.. i slept in :) :) i also hung out with ken.. altho i dont really think itd be considered hanging out, driving around Livonia and other things. haha this is all kinda random ken. Then i had a bball game @ Canton..which our effing bus didnt show up so me jan and allison hopped in junior's car and he fricken zoomed us to Canton.. where we lost. Long story, the refs sucked. Wednesday= yesterday umm lets see, school was fine, went to bball ..and worked on my speech for Eng. like all night and of course hardly accomplished ne thing. Today was alright i guess.. i'm not feelin to hot right now.. :(

i knwo you all loooooved to hear about my wondrous week so far!!

oh and p/s some people make sick. ;iasjgv;asjv/sajgv;sv

and i also love how i get so many comments nowa days! you guys fail. jerks..

jk.. i <3 you! :)

it's to dying in each others arms and why i had to try it.
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