Jan 16, 2004 23:28
It's a Friday night-Sitting at home in my pj's-watching Harry Potter....WoW* wHaT a DaY* =(
*ThUrSdAY JaNuaRy 15*
First Block~~~> We just had a very easy quiz and I think thats it! =)
SecOnD bLoCK ~~~> Well, I walked over with Shauna to Spanish 2. . * I had it with EvErYoNe..So that was a plus-So then Mrs. Osborne walks over to me to get my name and everything and then asks me how long it's been since I had Spanish 1-I told her like a year and a half and that I didn't rem. anything. . * And she told me to go to the Guidance Counselor to get it switched...So, I got first block changed to Spanish 1 and then Science switched to 3rd-But I still have ART! Gahh, I hate it.. But the good thing was that I had to go back to Mr. Flan's class-=)* -lol-
Well, I went back to Art and Michael and them was making fun of me! =(.. haha-but I love them, so that's really the only thing good about the whole class!!
3rD BlOck~~~> Mr. Flan once again! =)-I just worked on homework while the rest of the class done the quiz. . * I asked him if we orbited the sun or whatever and everybody started laughing-Well hell, I was just asking a question!! haha-=)
4Th BlOcK~~~> Ya know what?? I don't even rem!!! We probably just done some stuff in the grammar book and laughed at Jessie the whole time-haha*
ToDaY-Spanish was pretty easy* I remembered stuff I didn't even know i knew! haha-There's only like 13 people in there.. I sit next to Heidi and Grant-So I just talk to them most of the time.. haha* Art-We had to draw the middle school for a contest-I don't think mine is what you want to call the Middle School?-haha Science-We watched Appollo 13. . * That's it-4th block. . We just went over some Grammar stuff and then Mrs. Musick told us this story about this boy who got abused when he was little-it was awful. . * I have to say we was all about in tears at the end. . *!!
I just came home after school and SlEpT!!! It's been a sucky Friday but it has been the first one in a while I've spent it with Mom* I miss those times!! =(
I have to say this has been the LoNgEsT week in my school life!-And a lot of people will agree with me on that one. It seems like it took forever to get this week over. . I'm so tired I can't even explain it!! That's one reason I didn't even do anything tonight-I was going to ask Charlie to come up and watch a movie with me. . but he had to work tonight so I didn't even bother calling* I just turned over and SlEpT* haha
I have no clue what i'm doing tomorrow!! Marcus is in for a while and I want to see him.. I miss him!! =(!! We used to be really close.. but hey.. things happen-
But listen guys, I'm gonna go talk a lil bit longer then hit the bed!!
ILY GUYS! leaVe sOme CoMmEnTs!