(no subject)

Aug 21, 2004 01:19

Alright today was tight ...i went bowling n then out dci with everyone(Me amanda nikki josh hassan will kim bryan jenny nick kelly richard nichole) Yeah thats alotta ppl but it was tight!Tonight Is KIM CRAFTS BIRTHDAY BITCHES...were gunna have a ton of fun tomarrow..WEre gunna be Partay'n it up..Straight pimp'n you know..lol

name: Rita
birthday: Oct.10th
sign: Lebra
height: 5"2
hair color: Brown n Highlights
is it natural?: not the highlights

color: yellow
restaurant: red robin
food: Pizza
drink:mountain dew
alcoholic drink: captin mo.w/ some dp..
store: weather vain
outfit: Idk
person: ?
word: Bitches..
show: real world
movie:pearl harbor
song:get low
artist: luda
band: story of the year
brand make up: Wet n Wild
piece of jewelry: dont really wear any?
day: Friday
month: my birthday
lipgloss/stick: strawbarry

who do you live with: Mom dad n brother
are your parents married or divorced: nope
how old are they?: 38 & 39
what are their names: john n brenda
are you a mommy or daddys girl: daddys
do you have any siblings: yea
if yes, age and names: ashley 17 jonnie 9
if no do you wish you did?: yea
do you have any pets: yea
what kind: cat...dog
is your family big or small: Big..
who are you closest too: my aunt
are there are celebrities in your family: Naw..
when was the last time you all got together: Up north n the family reuion
are you a close family: yea
do you have a lot of cousins: Yea!..
favorite family activity: We Dont Do Shit lol..
are you spoiled: kinda
would you die for anyone: Yea..
do you always get what you want: sometimes
do your parents get mad at you a lot: hell yea
who's more easy going, your mom or dad: My dad
do you consider yourself lucky to have your family: i guess

Love Life...
do you have a b/f: Naw
what is his name and age:
how long have you been going out:
are you inlove: naw..
is this your first love: naw
if no, how many others: 1
do you want to get married: naw
do you want to get married to your b/f: ..dont have one so..lol
how many b/f have you had: Umm lol alot
do you remember your first kiss: yea
where did you meet your b/f:
do you want kids/how many: none
do you have a crush: yes
what is their name: ****
do they know you like them:yea
would you ever cheat on your b/f:lol
you ever cheated on anybody: yea
has anybody ever cheated on you: no..
how many bridesmaids would you have: im not getting married
what kind of flowers would you have:
what color dress do you want:
where would your dream honeymoon be: Idk..
how long would you go for: prob a month..lol

If You Could..
move anywhere tomorrow where would it be: No Where..
sleep with anyone right now without hurting your partner who would it be:ahah josh
have any job you wanted what would it be: fbi bitches
win the million $ lottery what would you buy: everything
change one thing about yourself what would it be: my butt!i need one
change one thing about the world what would it be: the age of drinking
meet 2 people who would they be: josh hartnett..and 50 cent

Last Tyme You..
went to the movies: not in a while
ate: like 7 hours ago
watched tv: right now
took a shower: Today
got a present: i duno forever
got a compliment: all the time..lol
gave a compliment: Tonight..
got flowers: Umm homecoming..lol
got a new outfit: today
went swimming: richards grad. party
went skinny dipping: last summer maybe?
went on a date:...
played a game: ???
laughed: tonight
went tanning: not in a while
stole something: today..lol
bought somebody a gift: today its my daddys birthday !!
listened to the news: last night

Last Person You..
hurt: depends..
been hurt by:no one im a solider nigga..lol
spent the day with: everyone tonight
saw: alotta ppl
talked on the phone with: kelly
missed: my aunt
cried over:.a boy!!Ugh
took shopping: me my mom n brother
got drunk with: shit..whut time
lied too: my parents
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