Dec 01, 2004 19:14
Yeah when people say that they are “done” with you…it kinda hurts, if u didnt know my mother said this to me today...but duh! she has been done with me ever since she knew that i wasnt as great as my sister and she knew i would never amount to her. Which i have always been "okay" with until today when everything hit me and before i like barly noticed it but now i can really feel it. Ever since my sister moved out its like my parents never knew i was born so they think that i dont need to be taken care ofwhich i never really was, i was always way independent. I really blame all of today on Mr.P my CP Phsy Sicence teacher, he was the one who wanted our grade sheets signed by a parent and i got a very BAD grade to be honest...i got an F...yes i know thats pretty bad for me because most of the time i'm a pretty average grade student BUT no this year, everythings different with school and home life. But relating back to my sister, she always had the best grades, always better then me. But i think my parents compare me to her but they say they dont BUT whatever they do.they just arent used to dealing with a kid like me, i'm not totally blowing off school its just hard for me and i cant take everything thats goin on with me and my parents and everything else at one time. Nothing helps becasue i've tired it all. Its like today my parents formed a team agaisnt me and i felt totally atacked. But maybe if everyone i know who has been messing around with my brain would just leave me alone or maybe be NICE to me (gasp) i would be doing better and gain self confedence. But my family is so messed up i think everyone would just be better if my family just didnt talk to me.
A nice house, a little bit of money and nice things is nothing to me, what i care about is something more but some people just cant get a hint.