SHE"S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 12, 2005 16:45

Hello everyone, I had my beautiful baby on Monday the 7th, at 1:42pm. She was 9lbs 7oz and 21 inches long. Yup a big baby, and YUP i pushed her out, in less than 10 MINUTES!!!

here's the story of Allie's birth.
Sunday the 6th I went to Labor and delivery b/c I thought my water might have broken b/c I was leaking a bit. went in, they said NOPE, and my cervix was still at a 1. my Blood pressure was a bit high and i was very swollen so the Dr said since I was scheduled to go in tuesday for Cervadill (SP?) and then be induced Wednesday morning. she didn't think my cervix was going to do much within 2 days if anyhting at all. So she said we will go ahead adn keep u and prep me for induction sunday. Being preped was then putting a cathidure in my cervix and slowly letting an IV drip saline in it to blow the cath up to a small balloon. this process is called an Easy cath. What it does, is when the balloon slowly fills up, it opens my cervix to force it to start dialating. and when the balloon falls out or comes out easily when u tug on it ever so often, then u r dialted to a 3.
Well, I got the easy cath about 2:30 on Sunday, and at 9:15 that night, I got up to go potty and when I layed back down it popped out as I leaned back on the bed. after that happened, my Contractions went from about every ten minutes to having 3 within the first 5 minutes and they were also alot stronger.
SO. they gave me a sleeping iv to let me rest the night before being induced and I woke up about 1am b/c I could then feel my contractions, the sleeping iv dulled the pain so I could sleep. I called hte nurse in and asked for some more somehting to help me sleep, that didn't work and at 2:30am I got the epidural in. which didn't hurt at ALL. the bruse hurts more NOW than the actual shot.
so after that, I coudlnt' feel a damn thing and I was having contractions and didnt' know it, I was in heaven. ok, not really. but u get it.
ANYWAYS...the nruse came in around 10 and checked me and I was at a 5 and said the Dr would be in around 1 to check me again and then we'd go from there. at 1 when the Dr got there, she sadi iw as at a 9.5 and they had me push for 10 seconds and then I was at a 10. and the Dr looked at me and said, I plan to be able to leave to go back to work by 2. so she went to her office to get her lunch so she could eat before I delivered and then go back to work. So the nurses all got the room and me ready, and then one nurse said ok we'll do a few pushes before she gets back so it's less she ahsd to have me push. So I pushed a total of 3 counts of 10 for the nurse adn she said STOP...I see hair. and she called the Dr and said get here NOW. when the Dr came in she was getting ready, putting her gloves and gown on and I felt pressure like somehting was going on. I said um, somehitngs happening. and the Dr looked and said she's moving out on her own. DONT PUSH. so I did another 10 count and her head was out, she cleaned her face adn then did another count of 10. and started another and by the time I was at 7, she plopped out, felt VERY wierd. the Dr cut the cord and layed her on my tummy to be cleaned. I was so happy. I got to watch her get hr first bath. got a few pics from that. and when I heard how big she was, I said NO WONDER I gained so much.
As of todya, I've already lost 30 pounds of my 60. I am VERY excited. although, it's probably form lack of sleep and food, and also gettin up and down adn walking all around the house wiht her.

SO. Our beautiful daughter is Finally here and we are so happy....untill she starts crying b/c she's not tired and it's 2am and we are exhausted. btu we still love her.
If u would like to see pics of her, go to
and click on WEB NURSERY. it will ask u for a date, tell it November 7th 2005. and her name is ALLIE.
Well, guess I'm done here, it's getting close to feeding time. Will tell more and show more whne I get a chance.
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