Aug 16, 2006 12:23
I like to listen to music in languages I don't understand. Because I like the imagine that one day I will. It's as if every syllable or phrase or word or noise is a puzzle that I've gotta solve. I love that about Korean- because I love puzzles. kikiki ^.^
So I'm noticing how much I'm withdrawing as the final month before I leave gets started. I don't mind that much. I've made many many more aquaintances in the last two years than I have real friends, but I'm not sure who's at fault. I'm not going to bother thinking about why because I know where my mind will go with that and I don't really feel like hating on myself right now- so I'll hate on other people instead =)
I really dislike dishonest people. People who lie, who use, who manipulate, who badger, prod, obsess, experiment with, and abuse the people around them, the people they smile and call friends, those that they play with. You know what that is? It's blind arrogance. It's a subtle belief that person A is better than person B and is allowed to do what they will with B simply because B doesn't realize what's going on- it's their own fault for being too stupid to notice anything, right? I mean, honestly- if they're SO naive to think that people aren't going to use them, it's probably a good thing that A will use them like this so that when the truth comes out, they learn this important life lesson... right?
No. That's a retarded way to think about things. And this isn't some ridiculous postulation of mine, some abstract, bogus situation my mind has made it. This is real thinking from semi-real people. I wish I could stab them, but I can't, so I'll mock them here. You don't teach a child that fire is bad by throwing them into a raging fire, or anything of the like. Just because someone might not be as sharp as you, or is naive and trusting and God-forbid a genuine person doesn't mean you have any right to abuse them- you may be smarter, but obviously your moral fiber isn't exactly Grade A, although I'm sure that if you've got this attitude that you can somehow make yourself believe that it is. Sucks to your delusion.
Oh, and for dishonest friends! Let me shed a few words, since I've probably shed enough tears at this point (yes, I am a boy and I cry and I am not ashamed). If you don't like someone, be honest. Be civil, you stupid prick, but be honest. Don't be a jackass, but learn not to let your air of superiority, or your all-consuming fear of offending/hurting someone keep a hand around the mouth of your conscience. I hope I spelled that right, and if I didn't? Sucks to my spelling. You stupid people who believe it's better to pretend and then gossip, to front and then destroy, to lie and then to butcher- I dislike you very much. I understand that we're all moody and have raging hormones (yes, we all do, just maybe different kinds) and that sometimes your opinion of others is different, but dear LORD, let your tongue be still! Let not words of contempt and scorn fall from your mouth. The only person that likes a gossip is another gossip. If person A cares not for person B, but person B doesn't realize this and asks A out to lunch, what should person A do?
1) Politely decline and eat lunch alone
2) Politely decline and make plans with someone else
3) Lovingly embrace B and declare their undying loyalty to them, then cry to themselves and whine to C about the situation
4) Respond with "I'd rather die."
5) Shoot B in the face.
While in A's position, I'm sure we'd sometimes like to take option 5, but this probably isn't a good idea. 4 is just rude. It seems to be that 1 is really the best option, no? If you already have plans, be honest. If you're busy studying and use this to excuse yourself from lunch, then I swear, I'll shove a cabinet down your throat if you take option 2. And anyone who takes option 3 needs to spend a few hours in their refridgerator because their brains are obviously overheated and they seem to only be thinking like a jackass. How simple is it to think of B? How hard is it to, for one second, step out of your own life and care about someone else? Maybe B isn't the easiest to get along with, maybe they're strange, they smell weird, they're awkward, they eat like a pig, they're flaky, they're ugly, they're fat, they have a unibrow, or they can't stop talking about last night's episode of naruto; why should this matter? They're a person, too. Denying them the common courtesy of honest is calling them less than that, and it's treating them subhuman. It's so common, and we've all seen it. I know many of us have been on either side of that. If you've only been B, then I'm sorry that you have such ass-sucking friends, and if you've been A, then go jump off a bridge, please, because chances are you're hurting a lot of people.
Of course, as B, it's easy to curl into a shell and say "Everyone hates me//I'm a victim//The world is against me//I'm going to kill myself after I get some pudding". These are all overreactions. Nobody is perfect, and sometimes a lot of this is a big misperception. How easy it is to think everyone hates you! But it's rarely true. Sometimes, you do end up near someone that is malicious and cruel and deserves only to stick their head in an oven, but I really believe that this sadistic streak is rare in people. I look at the people I know, and very few of them are guilty of this intentional abuse- I call it abuse because it is. Its awful and mean and should never happen, but it does. I wish there was a livewire, or an unfortunately timed open elevator shaft for every one of those people, but oftentimes, the world rewards those who care little for more than a Machiavillin wedding. This sort of thing is one of the reasons I believe so firmly against purely a societal morality, because hurt and pain aren't the basis of growth in a human's heart.
Blah. Bleh. Blooop. Blah blah bleh, bleggilinda blooshbleeshkanidelphinia. Blog Blinky bland black blah, bickle-sickle-dickle blanchly blong.
What we can do? I think talking is a good way to start. I just watched a show that was basically the epitome of miscommunication and inability to be stinking honest, and it really impressed upon me the need for good, honest communication between friends and spouses and significant others. Without that, it's going to hurt, badly. It won't solve every problem, but it'll be a lot easier. Trust me on this. Stop hurting your friends if you feel guilty at all while reading this. Think about how you can change. And if you feel like people have mistreated you, before you go on a self-righteous tirade against the evils of your friends, think hard on the way that YOU act, too, and see how much of this you bring upon yourself or have imagined in the first place. That's right! A and B can both be wrong. Chances are that they've both made mistakes, because guess what- humans aren't perfect. Don't be so afraid to be wrong.
And for those of you that have been pure and honest victims, I apologize on behalf of your cruddy friends. Let's get together sometime and make voodoo dolls, eh? No? Then let's at least get some pudding and new friends. I'll buy you some stickers, too. Penguin stickers are to emotional pain as morphine is to physical pain, I swear.
mmmmm. I really want some pudding. And a shower.
God bless =)