Mar 22, 2003 13:11
Ok well i have just lost two people in my life, one that i care about and the other that can just kiss my ass cause im sick of her bullshit! and yes they know who they are....Jesse and Autumn!! Jesse is the one i care about i didnt want to loose her but she said if i disown Autumn (which i did) then i disown her! Well i willingly disown Autumn but giving up Jesse is the hard part!!.... And no I will not just deal with autumn and act like i like even if it does mean getting jesse back because that would just mean that im not being true to myself! but i will always be there if jesse ever needs me cause autumn willjust backstab her! Just like she backstabbed me and Becca and Sam! so they can go float their little baots far away from mine!! Sam and Becca can do whatever they want cause i dont care cause im not going to do the stupid thing of if your her friend you cant be mine!............. but other than loosing my best friend! life has been ok even though last night Sarah deserved to win 1st!! and Good Job to Grace for winning first! but yeah im gonna go now and hang out with other friend who are guys and have ten time less drama then autumn or any girl!