Apr 26, 2006 08:55
La-te-da. When was the last time I updated. Like Thursday night or something?
We'll start from there.
Thursday Justin and I had some drinks at Pepperoni's and a Very Long Talk about Very Important Things. It felt good to get it off my chest finally. **sigh** Afterwards we went to see Brokeback Mountain. It was way cute. We had a really long talk about it afterwards about how people were so uncomfortable with the movie cause neither Jack nor Heath played faries and a lot of people, not our friends, don't know that there's more than one kind of gay person. Then we went to Fairview Grille and had a few more drinks before retiring to our respective homes.
Friday I tried to do some writing. I had the worst writer's block this issue. I just couldn't nail myself to the chair. Went to dad's surprise 50th birthday thing at Coach's. Sammys. Yadda.
Saturday I made myself write and edit my little butt off. It was hard. Put on non-Pj'd clothes at like 10 p.m. and went to Velocity with Bri, Megan, Garrett, and David M to celebrate Justin's birthday. Good times. Got home at like 3 and passed out.
Sunday I wrote and edited some more. Cleaned up the house inbetween stories. Sean and Chris, seeing rain in the NY forecast for the next 5 days, returned home at about 9 p.m. Talked and chatted and watched TV.
Monday Sean went into the office for a few hours and I did final revisions. We bummed around a lot. Yeah... pretty much a wasted day.
Yesterday we did some housework. I did a little more editing. We went to the Green Room, a scary chinese restaurant, and then Sammys. Partook of the $1.75 Bud Light and played some pool with, of all people, David. Was good times though. So glad the 2 of them have gotten over their drama so we can all hang out together. Went to Chilis. Watched some TV. Yadda.
The boys are leaving again today for NY. Hopefully they'll be back Monday in time for Chris to go to his class. I love how much he's grown up recently and how everyone is finally taking notice. He's thinking about his future with a clear head on his shoulders. Turns out all he needed was a proper living environment away from Crazy. Everyone is so proud of him. *squish*