Dec 10, 2004 15:26
To whom maybe nosey enuff to read this other then my boo:
OKaii im sitting here WONDERING why "BITCHES" yes im being nice by staying to my self bc past histoory turned my friends against me if i cant get a b/f why do i have one? lol *Mike* hehe I love yew! yes Mike is better then anyone at belleville and i care deeply about him. No one can take him away from me bc he loves me too and idk wut romurs YOU might tell him he wont believe ur "nasty" o come on im so jealous yayaya imso jealous go me! yea right...this is the reason i hang w.older ppl some people are just not mature enuff to handle the truth...ummm ur so called best friend isnt ur best friend BITCH!
<3Ann ))Mike's Baby girl((
I would liek to say Im in love to you mike ur the greatest!