Manuscripts of the "Perfect Murders"

Nov 22, 2004 09:01

The Manuscripts of the "Perfect Murders"

The daylight hours have been dwindling down to total darkness, and still there is nothing writing down on the pads of paper. For Mark, it is extremely agravatting. Especially when he is trying to make a living of writing. Pacing back in forth, searching for ideas that just pop in his head so he could write them down was just not working for him. Soon he decides to just take a break from writing in hopes that maybe, just maybe an idea will come to him when he least expects it. So he decides to turn on the television and watch what ever pops on at the time. As soon as he turns on the television a murder mystery show comes on. Now Mark, a man of a sound state of mind, doesn't usually watch shows like this or even to think of writing stories like the ones on those type of shows. But something out of the ordinary draws him to this particular one. The show was as all shows on the television are was based on fiction, the things that happen on these shows could never happen or could they???? "Nah, says Mark. Those things could never happen in reality." But yet he continues to watch it, the show was literally drawing him into it. He was so entralled in the show that he lost track of time and soon fell fast asleep. All of a sudden he wakes up with the perfect story to write. He rushes to his desk and begins to write the "perfect story."

It was now the wee hours of the morning and mark was still writing his first story. When it hits 7 o'clock in the morning he finishes. Mark is full of excitement and can not wait for one of his friends to read it. So he runs around getting ready so he can stop by his best friend's job so he can read the "perfect story" that Mark has written. So he drives down to the local Dunkin' Donuts where his best freind Sean works. Now Sean and Mark have been best friends for years, ever since they were five years old. Mark throws his first actual manuscript into the hands of his best friend Sean. So they both grab a cup of coffee and sit down in a corner booth and begins to read what his friend had wrote. Mark's story goes as follows:

" A young man in his early twenties, who loves to hang out with his friends and party. But gradually he starts to distance himself from his friends and family. He rarely goes to work and basiaclly shuts himself from the world outside. Then all of a sudden there is a rash of murders in the town he lives in and no one not even the authorties know who is committing them. One by one all of his friends are brutality murder in their homes. It continues till all of the young man's friends are gone."

As soon as Sean is done reading this he looks at Mark and says, "Wow! I never thought you of all people would come up with a story like this,it isn't your style." Mark gives Sean a look of disgust and asks why wouldn't he have thought that he could have written a story like this. So Sean explains why he made that statement because it isn't a characteristic of his good pal Mark that he knew for almost 20 years. The explaination sort of gets through to Mark, but it still lingers in the back of his mind. Mark thanks his friends advice and the gracious cup of coffee and goes back home to get some sleep. But as he is driving he can't stop thinking about the comment that was said to him. " Was it because Sean is jealous of me and my aspirations to be something bigger than what he is? Is it because he doesn't want me to be a famous writer?" All these thoughts are rushing through his head and is really bothering him. When he gets home the thoughts are still bombarding him, so he decides to go take a nap for a couple of hours. Because maybe he is thinking like this all because he was up for most of the night writing that story and sean didn't mean anything by his comment and that he was actually supporting his friend's dream. "Yeah, thats its. I didn't get much sleep and sean actually liked my story because he is my best pal." Soon he was off into dreamland or was it dreamland?

The next morning Mark wakes up to his phone ringing off the hook. Its his other friend Michelle, who is also the girlfriend of his best freind Sean. He picks up the phone and he hears her frantic shaky voice. He can barely understand what she is saying between her sobbing cries and gasps for breaths. He wonders why she is crying and why she even called gim when she usually calls her boyfriend sean. "Michelle now calm down and speak slowly so I can understand what you are saying." She calmly explains that when she called over to sean's house earlier this morning and he didn't answer she went over there to surprise him, because he may have just overslept. When she got there and saw the scene that had happened, she had gone crazy with grief. What she saw was her boyfriend laid out on the kitchen floor with a butcher knife right through his heart. Now when mark heard this from her, he was not too grief stricken as michelle was. Though you would actually think that he may be even more struck with grief than michelle was all because he was best friends with the deceased since the age of five.As a matter of fact he was sort of grining slyly when she told him. Now some may seem this as sort of deranged mind setting, but what Mark's friend or the reader who reads his manuscript, is that the book is based on mark and his friends. Though some may say that this was all premeditated by mark but it wasn't accidents do happen, so they say.

The next couple of days were full of mourning over the fallen friend Sean and also the investigation of his murder. The days that followed the murder investigation was still up in the air. The murderer was still unknown and yet it was all played out in writing. Mark was missing work almost every day and his bosses' were beginning to wonder about him. Days passed and weeks passed, and Mark was distancing himself from his friends and the outside world. Then one saturday he recieves a phone call from his ex-girlfriend Rebecca. She was calling to try to attempt to get him back into the world that he shut himself away from. He agrees to go to brunch with her at a local diner. When he gets there she greets him with a hug and a kiss saying that she is sorry for the loss of his friend and tries to explain to him that shutting himself from the world may not be the best way to deal with his loss. Shaking his head he mumbles that it wasn't a loss, that it was all planned out. Now this makes Rebecca question what he means by this but he just says it was all planned that it was all written down and it can not be changed. She starts to wonder if he may be on to something, that maybe he could be the murderer. But she can't even imagine that he could possibly could be capable of doing something like murder. So she decides to put it in the back of her mind and continues to chat up with her former love, even though he seems really distant, like his mind is somewhere else. What she doesn't know is that he mind is somewhere else and he is plotting poor rebecca's demise like that of the character Samantha in the book.

"Boy does she die a horrible death. And that soon will be the same for poor little Rebecca. Aww how I did love her when we were dating but then she broke my heart. Going out with my roommate Jeff. How could she ever do that to me. Well I guess she got her just desserts when Jeff broke her little heart like she did mine. What goes around comes around Rebecca. Did you feel as bad as I did when Jeff decides he lost all intrest in you and only wanted your very hot and cute roommate Katey?? Now how does that make you feel? Hmmm I bet pretty damn awful if you ask me. But soon you will feel what it really is like when your heart is actually broken when I really break it!"

All these thoughts were racing through his mind and it was giving him absolute pleasure! So much pleasure is that he was smiling from ear to ear that made Rebecca stop in mid sentence and ask what he was all smiles about. All he said was," You soon will find out, you soon will find out." That almost made her jump right out of her skin, because the next thing that happened was that he got up put some money on the table for his meal and left without saying good bye. That was the very last conversation that she ever had with anyone. Poor poor Rebecca was found dead with her little heart ripped out but yet was no where to be found at the scene of the crime. This now has the local police baffled beyond belief, because this is the second murder that was committed but yet they still don't know who even committed the first one.

When Mark woke up he was still in his clothes that he had on that morning, but the only thing that was different was that they were drenched with the blood of his ex girlfriend. You may wonder if he was the one that may have found her body? And that he had done the right thing and called the authorities. Oh no, it is the other way around. He climbs out of bed and walks towards his dresser and their on the top was his ex girlfriend's heart. Now who can imagine why he would do such a horrible thing like murder her and then rip out her heart for a keep sake. Was it because he was still broken hearted about losing her to his roommate? No, it was all written out in his book that he plans on publishing. But yet, it doesn't even phase him as to what he has done. "It's the perfect murders!" He cries out. "No one will know its me! No one will know that I could ever do such a thing! The murders aren't played out like they are in the book, like the way I am successfully doing. It's PERFECT! The only simularity is that the book is based on me and my life." He smiles at himself in the mirror because he is looking at a criminal mastermind. He proceeds to go about his daily routine with a smile on his face like he has just done a great job.

Meanwhile, he hears a knock on his apartment door. He goes to open it and there standing at the doorway was the local police. All they wanted was to ask him some questions about the murder of Rebecca. He agreed to their wishes because he knows if he denies then they would get suspicious and may place him as a suspect, even though he was, little did they know. They asked him several questions about when the last time he had seen and or spoken to the deceased, because they had witnesses from the diner that he was seen with her before she was murdered. Mark had answered all the questions, thats what they wanted. Gave them all the correct answers that they needed. They didn't need to know that the last time that he had saw her was dead in her apartment with her heart in his hand. They only needed to know that the last time that he saw her was at the diner when he walked out after their brunch together. Mark wasn't even nervous or jittery because he knew they had no suspicion that it was him who committed that murder and the previous one. Not Mark, no he is of sound mind and that he could never do anything like that, because it isn't like him.

A few days after the burial of Rebecca, there was another murder of another one of Mark's close friends. This time the police were figuring out that there may be some sort of connection to the murders that are happening in relations to Mark. Little did he know that they were on to him. He will soon find out how close they were to him by the very last murder of his close friends. This was the last murder that Mark would ever commit as a free man. By the third night of the third murder's investigation, the local authorities had their man. And that man was Mark. Mark was in his aprtment and was rereading his manuscript of the "perfect murders" when he had heard a loud knock on the door followed by "open up its the police." So he obliged because he figures what does he have to hide, nothing really, they can't place any evidence to me because I didn't leave any evidence behind. Little did he know that he left a manuscript at the scene if the crime and it was placed as evidence. Once he opened the door he was placed in custody and his rights were read and he was brought down to the police station being charged with the three consecutive murders of his best friend Sean, his ex girlfriend Rebecca and the third friend who is to be left unnamed.

Sitting there handcuffed in his own little four by four cell, Mark lets out a maniacal laugh that only induces more laughter. "This man must be disturbed in some way," the officers on duty say to one another. "Who murders their friends and gets that much pleasure from it?" "It is obvious that he thought he could get away with the "perfect murders"." Saying this, one of two the officers on duty drops the manuscript on the desk just as he was done reading it. All the while Mark laughs up a storm, with a grin from ear to ear, because in his mind he has committed the "perfect murders."
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