Dec 22, 2006 11:36
You know that list that you give to people when they ask you for what you want for Christmas? This isn't it. This is my real list.
What Donna really wants for Christmas:
1. A boyfriend: Maybe then my sister will stop thinking I'm her weekend babysitter. Don't get me wrong I love my niece and three nephews. But my sister seems to think that I will drop everything to do whatever she wants. Plus if I had a boyfriend my parents would stop feeling sorry for me and stop trying to set me up. It never works. But if by some miracle I do get blessed by boyfriend Gods I would like a Josh Jackson or Michael Goorjian look alike please. Since Aaron is taken. I'll leave him for Layne.
2. Snow: I can't remember the last time it snowed here on Christmas. I think I might have been in the single digits. We've had rain, sleet, we've even had an Ice Storm that knocked out my families power.
3. Become a better writer: Everyone wants to improve on what they are good at. There's always room for improvement right?
4. For my family to get along: We've been going at it a lot over the last few months. It's getting better, don't get me wrong. But I can only take so much lying and back stabbing.
Okay, that's what I really want for Christmas. Anybody that can make any of the things happen gets my gratitude. That's all I have to give. Plus, I'll be your best friend. That's reason enough right there.