
Nov 26, 2004 12:59

i dont no why girls date guys who fuck with them and lie. i dont understtand why they throw their life away and do whatever he tell her to do.girls will still be in denile when they break up. its like i no him, he been honest and he would have never cheated on me. how do u really no that when they havent seen them yet. i mean come on we could say, ( Read more... )

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anglfromabove16 November 29 2004, 20:39:21 UTC
DUH how can you talk shit about Brandon and go on and on about him only being a computer person when ALL of your girlfriends are on the COMPUTER! Meg was on the do you know all of that about her huh? You stuck up for the shit she did to you, I'm only doing the same. At least I talked to Brandon outside of the computer.

I backed out of my friends way before I was homeschooled...I was friends with Deena and Trisha and I got sick of their shit so I stopped talkin to them. Brandon had nothing to do with me not going out, by the time I met him I had already lost my friends. And I started going out over a year ago.

I know that Brandon wasnt all truthful and no I dont know if he was completely faithful but I still trust and love doesnt matter how much he lies to me or anyone lies to me for that matter I'd still trust them because thats the person I am, I always give more chances to people than they deserve but I like people and I'm an understanding and forgiving person unlike you I dont hold grudges against people.

And dont even talk like that, talk like you are so smart and you would make all the right decisions when you're in a relationship. After Meg left you, you'd get pissed if me or mom tried to tell you anything like that. So you did the same thing.

You need to be smacked, I know that Brandon can do wrong, I know he's lied, I know he's hurt me, I know he's not perfect...but he was and is perfect for me. He gave me everything I ever wanted and he shared my dreams, he gave me happiness and something to believe in...that may not mean much to you but it does to me.

I'm not going to let go of my feelings for him, I will always love him and I will always forgive him because thats what people in love do. Just like you forgave Meg for practically killing you and thats a lot worse than a lie or whatever. And FYI Brandon's friends did know about me.

Stop acting like you know everything about relationships, life, love, ME, dont have facts to back up half the shit you say, you just like running your mouth and trying to make yourself feel smart and more important. For now on anything important or signifcant that happens in my life you wont know about unless I decide to come to you. You wont read things in my journal you wont be able to make judgments you can just stop being an OVERPROTECTIVE sister.

I have to deal with enough of that from Dawn I dont need you in on it too. At least she didnt sit and talk shit about stuff she didnt understand and she actually talked to me like a sister should.

I dont need lectures, your not a teacher...I dont need help, your not a psychiatrist...I dont need advice, your not a philosopher....what you should have been was a sister to listen to me and lend a shoulder to cry on or a simple hug...I didnt need any of this and it didnt make things easier. So thanks for nothing.


babygirl51903 December 1 2004, 14:15:41 UTC
ha well i have talked to chriss off the computer and for that matter i talked to my ex's off the computer. yea at least he told me he was dating some1 else and wouldnt hide it from me. yes ur doing the same thing protecting but seriously how can u when all he did lie and played mind games on u.

im not telling u to throw away the feelings for him. why would u want to be with some1 who treats u like a lil kid who thinks ur not smart enough to no what hes doing, whos not over his ex, who cant even come to be with u, plays mind games or dont tell his family. thats just really stupid on ur part, any girl or guy for that matter.

i no i dont no much about relationships but guess what i think im just a lil smarter at them then u. at least i dont sit around and wait and wait to get them back. at least i no when to stop trying so hard and move on . i no when to get out of a relationship when they start fucking with me. u cant push any1 into a relationship so why cant u realize that. and start listening to people who care about u and this is a thought maybe u will finally realize he wasnt what u made him out to be.

ha i need to be smacked u should be the one. any1 can share ur dreams over the damn computer. oh if he really seriously wanted to share ur dreams he would be out here. but was he no bc he couldnt leave his family or friends, he could have let u come out there if he really wanted to share ur dreams but did he no bc he didnt want u to come out there.

come on sam stop being childish and think for once. if two people love eachother like u said. he would have been out here or he would have let u come there to share ur dreams. if some1 truely love another then they wouldnt playing damn mind games, lie, or anything.



anglfromabove16 December 2 2004, 16:04:45 UTC
And I've talked to Brandon off the computer did you forget that we talk on the phone or we used to write story book long letters? You've never met meg so your situation was NO DIFFERENT than mine. He played mind games on me when we were broke up, he wanted revenge and he had every right to. I messed up and I did something horrible to him, there no reason why he shouldnt have been doing what he did or any reason why he should have been nice or forgiven me but he did.

He doesnt treat me like a little kid, this is why you annoy me. Both you and mom you make assumptions about people and think they are true and no matter what you wont believe anything different. I'm not sitting around waiting for him to take me back, I tried to get him back but we have things in our lives that we need to work out before we could ever try to make it work. But thats none of your business. I'm not trying to push Brandon into a relationship with me, see where did you get that at huh?! Nowhere cause its a lie. I'm just being friends with him like we were before we got together. I might have lost him as a boyfriend but I'm not gonna lose him as a friend.

He was going to move here but did you forget that his mother and grandmother died and I broke up with him? And he was gonna have me move there with him and his friend but they didnt get the apartment because his friend had no credit. And he was going to fly me out there next summer but he had to move to Cali and now he's working two jobs trying to help his dad pay for them to live out there. He didnt ask for any of that and neither did I but it happened. So you dont know shit as I said.

I'm not childish, you are. You think you're always right and you know everything there is to know about life and love and all the other stuff in this world. Well you dont, and you know nothing about me. We live in the same house but are complete opposites. At least I dont try to wear skimpy clothes to get attention and I'm not a slut. You admitted that you would be if you could walk so whose the childish one now? Do you honestly have no dignity and you would slut yourself around town?

I lied to him before and I love him, people in love still lie to one another. The truth comes out eventually but we still lie its like human nature. I'm not living in a fantasy world, I know that our relationship wasnt perfect and he's not perfect and I'm not perfect and the worlds not one big happy place. But its my life and I'll deal with the things that happen to me and all the bad crap will only make me stronger. I dont care that I'm pushing you away because you dont help. All you do is run your mouth and dont offer any SUPPORT. Families are supposed to be there for one another in good times and bad not try degrading them or call them stupid or a child. I know I have made my mistakes but they are my mistakes to learn from not yours.


babygirl51903 December 2 2004, 20:38:57 UTC
i wasnt saying that u were pushing him into anything im just saying u prolly would try to. he had no right to play mind games on u if u think its right then u better get help. because people r that low to play them then somethings wrong.

oh i am the slut huh...ha think again i may wear the clothes i wear but im not a slut. i dont wear them to get attention. even if i walk i wouldnt be 1 either because sex isnt something u mess around with. u have alot of room to talk about least i didnt sleep around like u did b4. at least my first time was amazing but with the wrong person. i have alot of dignity and i have high self-esteem so dont even go there.

if u even knew at all then u would no i dont wear those clothes to get attention. if u new me then u would have known i have dignity and i worked my ass off to be where im at now. im so damn proud of my lifestyle and i wouldnt change a thing. i might like girls and i will never be ashamed of that but i will NEVER change for any1.

i dont hold anything on any1 for long except dad. he doesnt deserve forgiveness or deserve to be called my father. i will never forgive him i dont have the heart to. u go right ahead and forgive him like u always do.

its about time that u start calling meg chriss. because meg isnt his name anymore and he wants to be a guy. u honor that or u dont talk about him .


sparklingdreams December 2 2004, 20:48:22 UTC
I would never try to force someone to be with me cause that would just cause more heartache I'm not that stupid. People play mind games all the time, not even intentionally sometimes it just happens. And I'm over it you should be too, it didnt happen to you it happened to me and if I can get over it you can too.

you ADMITTED that you would be a slut if you could walk. In the van that one day when we were talking about 3somes and you had said something and I said that if you could walk you'd be such a slut and you said I KNOW and me and mom laughed because you admitted it. I didnt sleep around, I cared about the people I slept with. No I didnt love them but that doesnt mean I didnt care about them. AT LEAST I DONT LIE ABOUT HAVING SEX....AT LEAST I'M NOT ASHAMED OF IT. You lied to mom and the doctors, well guess what I told mom you did it so ha.

I know you work your ass of to be where you are and I'm proud of you for that.

Yeah your still holding things against Brandon for something he did A YEAR AGO! Dont hold things against people for a long time huh? A year is a pretty long damn time. I have a bigger heart than you, when I care about people even if they hurt me I will forgive them because I CARE ABOUT THEM. I have no hate in my heart at all, this is how I grew up...respecting people and understanding them and the decisions they make and forgiving people for their sins. I'm not perfect I make mistakes, I like forgivness and I give it in hopes that I will have it in return.

Did she have a sex change yet? no so until she does I will continue to call her meg. Its a free world hunny I'll say as I please.


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