Sep 02, 2004 16:02
-Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits-
197. What color are your sheets? silk and they r tan
198. What color are your bedroom walls? hmmm looks like some1 drew all these lil lines
199. Do you have posters on your wall? a few
200. Do you like to Fandango? huh
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? yea
202. How many pillows are on your bed? 3
203. What do you normally sleep in? depends
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: my feetie pjs(looking for new ones if u no where let me no)
205. What size bed do you have? a futon
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? i want a waterbed
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? no
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? Sometimes
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: trade towers falling over and over or prolly 1’s with spiders
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes my teddy...i seriously cant go a night with it. its the feeling i have holding it...its crazy
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? 2 trust me been there
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? used to
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? no im glad
214. Do you snore? dont no
215. How about drool? dont no....i dont think so bc when i wake up my mouth is dry
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? yea..but dont use it
217. What color is the carpet in your room? a blue color
218. What's under your bed? a few things...dont remember
-This or that-
219. Coke/Pepsi: pepsi
220. Doughnuts/bagels: bagels
221. Day/night: depends
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: dont no
223. Heaven/hell: heaven
224. Make love/have sex: depends on who...i pick make love
225. Coffee/tea: none..i drink cuppinchio(spelt wrong oh well)
226. Hamburgers/hotdogs: both
227. Rap/rock: soft rock
228. Britney/Christina: do i have to pick 1...not my favs
229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: mild chedder
230. Real World/Road Rules: both
232. Silver/gold: depends
233. Nike/Adidas: both r ok
234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: McDonalds
235. Sweet/sour: sweet
236. Punk/emo: neither
237. Hot/cold: warm
238. Winter/summer: winter
239. Spring/fall: Spring
240. Operas/plays: dont no really
241. Read/watch tv: both
242. Cd's/tapes:both
243. Dvd/vhs: both
245. Shorts/skirts: skirts
246. Pink/red: red
247. Colored pictures/black and white photos: depends
248. Meat/vegetables:depends
249. Mexican food/chinese food: chinese
250. Commercials/infomercials: infomercials
251. Scary movies/comedies: comedies
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: depends on my mood
253. Sandals/tennis shoes: both
254. Dogs/cats: dogs
255. Unicorns/fairies: both
256. Water/land: land
257. Sugar/spice: sugar
258. Black/white: depends
259. ribbons/bows: both
260. Chicken/beef: both
261. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: colored
262. Cars/trucks: cars
263. Austin Powers/James Bond: neither
264. Popcorn/pretzels: both
265. Hip/hop: both
266. Passionate kiss/peck: depends on who...i pick passionate kiss
267. WWE wrestling/real wrestling: depends
268. Back rub/foot massage: back rub
269. Picture frames/photo albums: depends
270. Pens/pencils: both
-What Is Your Opinion Of The Following-
271. Eminem: ewww
272. Virgins: i wish...but i cant say my first time was bad i would be lying... alot of emontions went throu me but it was the wrong person
273. God: yes
274. The Osbournes: dont like
275. Reality TV: depends
276. J.Lo: Shes ok
277. Religion: I'm not religious
278. Emo music: dont like
279. Valentine's Day: love
280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: dont no
281. Homosexuals: am 1 VERY PROUD
282. Abortion: hate it
283. Inter-racial relationships: more power to them :)
284. Murder: hate it
285. Death: fears it
286. Obesity: I have that
287. Pre-marital sex: i would wait if my partner wanted to
288. Terrorism: hate it
289. Pornography: depends
290. Fortune tellers: dont no
291. Threesomes: should try but i like 1 on 1
292. Prostitution: their life
293. Politics:needs some1 who stick up gays
294. Country music: like it
295. George W. Bush: HATES HIM...HE SUCKS
296. Cloning: cool
297. Britney's boobs: dont care
298. Gas prices in America: way to high
-Name Game-
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?
299. Jack: as the world turns
300. Tiffany: ex friend
301. Ben: a friend i new
302. Maria: my puppy ::pouts::
303. Jennifer: my friend
304. Nicole: tyler
305. Amy: cousin
306. Adam: like a bro
307. Richard: ewwww a guy who liked me
308. Justin: nephew
309. Arnold: gov. of ca
310. Tom: cousin
311. Melissa: My brothers ex wife
312. Charlotte: church
313. Harold: na
314. John: brown
315. Joel: na
316. Vanessa: Carlton
317. Michelle: berry
318. Kevin: na
319. Brent: na
320. Jake: briggs
321. Billy: on y&r
322. Sarah: my ex
323. Natalie: na
324. Christy: na
325. Nick: tall guy
326. Linda: adams mom
327. Taylor: died on young and the restless
328. Jordan:a friend
329. Jaime: kat’s friend
330. Adrian: na
-Have You Ever....-
331. Mooned anyone? no
333. Been to a foreign country? almost
334. Broken a bone? no
335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? no
336. Swear at a teacher? close
337. Talked to a LJ member via e-mails or instant messages? yea
338. Got in a fight? almost
339. Dated a teacher? no
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? umm yea
341. Thought about killing your enemy? no
342. Gone skinny dipping? would like with some1
343. Met another LJ member in the flesh? Yea
344. Told a little white lie? yea
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell? prolly
346. Stolen anything? I was little
347. Miss used a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? dont remember
348. Been on TV? yea
349. Been on the radio? no
350. Been in a mosh pit? no
351. Been to a concert? near 1
352. Dated one of your best friends? yea
353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? yea
354. Decieved somebody close to you? yea
355. Broken the law? dont no prolly
356. Been to a rodeo? no
357. Been on a talk show? no
358. Been on a game show? no
359. Been on an airplane? never
360. Got to ride on a firetruck? no
361. Came close to dying? yea
362. Cheated on a bf/gf? yea
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride? no
364. Terrorized a babysitter? prolly
365. Made a mud pie?: yea
366. Had a dream that your falling off a cliff?:no
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? no
369. Had an eating disorder? no... every1 thought i did
370. Felt like you didn't belong? yea
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel? yea
372. Smoked? not try it but i dont
373. Done drugs? no
374. Been arrested? no
375. Had your tonsils removed? no
376. Gone to camp? yea
377. Won a bet? yea
378. Written a love letter? yea
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? very close to it
380. Written a love poem? yea i do
381. Kissed in the rain? not yet
382. Slow danced with someone you love? going to YAY
383. Participated in cyber sex? ummm...yea
384. Faked an orgasm? never
385. Stolen a kiss? yea
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice? yea
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? yea
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? i dont remeber
389. Gotten a speeding ticket? no
390. Done jail time? no
391. Had to wear a uniform to work? no
392. Won a trophy? yea
393. Thrown up in public? no
394. Bowled a perfect game? never
396. Got perfect attendance in grade school? nope
398. Taken ballet lessons? no
399. Attempted suicide? thought about it
400. Cut yourself? no
-Childhood Stuff-
401. Did you play with Barbies? yeah
402. Did you own Treasure Trolls? like one
403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? yesh
404. Did you play Simon? yep
405. Did you watch Fraggle Rock? no, never heard of it
406. Did you wet the bed? my mom says I never did and I remember that I did a couple so I dunno honestly
407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? no
408. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them? yea
409. Were you shy? no
410. Were you spoiled? kinda
411. Were you abused? no
412. Did you go to the circus? kinda
413. Did you go to the zoo? yea
414. Were you in a car accident?no
415. Did you build snowmen? yea
416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? yea
417. Were your older cousins mean to you? no
418. Did you think slinkies were cool? yea
419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? dont no
420. Were you afraid of the dark? yes still am hehe unless im with some1
421. Did you have slumber parties? few
422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas? no
423. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany? no
424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy? Ye
425. Do you believe in aliens? kinda
426. Name 3 things that are next to your computer: books, makeup, cds
427. Do you have any hidden talents? dont no
428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? already do
429. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? love movie
430. What would your movie star name be? dont no
431. Do you play any sports? no
432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? Ghost Ship... i almost got on my ex gf krystal’s lap
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? 13 going on 30
434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? dont remember
435. Do you drive? no
436. What is your dream car? dont no
437. Do you think you're good looking? sometimes
438. Do others think you are good looking? sometimes
439. Would you ever sky divehell no
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot? no
441. How many rooms do you have in your house? 9
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters? yea
443. Do you believe in God? yea
444. Do you believe in Satan? not really
445. Do you believe there is a heaven? yea
446. Do you believe there is a hell? yea
447. Do you own a pool table? no
448. Do you have a pool? no
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen?: yea
450. Do you like chocolate? yea sometimes
451. Who/what is on your 2004 calendar?:its the school’s 1
452. How many U.S. states have you been in? 7 ny,pa,mass,nj
453. Ever wished on a shooting star? no
454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? awww my punkin 1
455. Do you carry any weapons on you? no
456. What is your weakness? ummm.dont no
457. Name something you can't get enough of? my love and friends
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: loving, strong, fun
459. How many kids do you want to have? 1 if i get the $
460. Future daughters names: brianna
461. Future sons names: dont no
462. What is your ideal way to die? happy, in love, married
463. How do you release stress? ummm a few things
464. Are you a trendy person? no
465. Are you an artisitic person? no
466. Are you a realistic person? sometimes
467. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off? yea
468. Are you a strong person? yea
469. Are you a strong willed person? yea
470. Who is the last person to e-mail you? fastweb
471. Who is the last person to IM you? steve
472. Do you hate chain e-mails? yea
473. Are you a deep sleeper? sometimes
474. Are you a good story teller? yea as long as i can write them
475. What do you believe is your best quality? my will power
476. What is your greatest accomplishment? hopefully walking
477. Do you like to burn candles or incense? no
478. Do you do yoga? no
479. Do you have your own credit card? yea
480. Let's say you win the lotto, what would you do with the money? help people, go somewhere i should have went a while ago
481. Do you have a check book? yea
482. Do you like your driver's license picture? school’s
483. Do you tan easily? kinda
484. What color is your hair naturally? brown
485. How many fillings do you have? dont no
486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? dont no
487. Worst feeling in the world? losing ur love
488. Best feeling in the world? love being loved back
489. Is the glass half empty or half full? half full
490. Last thing you downloaded? dont remeber
491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? not much
492. What do you think people think of you? sweet
493. Are you a likeable person? yea
494. Do you need therapy? prolly
495. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? no
496. What's the best way to be proposed to? dont the rain or special day
497. What kind of movie would you star in? love story
498. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? dont no
499. There was no question here, so I'm making one up. Favorite Song of the Moment? the reason and pieces of me
500. What's your favorite phrase? dont have 1