Nov 05, 2006 04:40
it feels like forever since ive written in here. And sadly nothing really has happened since. School has been great seeing everyone just like old times less drama and can you believe it? NO FIGHTS! i dont think one has happpened since well we all know who left the school =D its been great. Winter has arrived and so has a bad cold ive been stuck basically alone the whole time at home starring at four wallls and watching hours on hours of pointless tv. Pretty bad i know. Me and Anthony are great! He means so much more to me then ever. Hes always there for me when im sad or when im stupid happy. Hes there when im sick making sure im okay through out the day and all the little things he does. I love him. i know not even two months of dating but i think it was the 2 years of slowly getting to know him the put me to this point. Yah sure i had my big doubts about it but im over it. I know were going to be together for a long time so im good with that. Im just really good all friends are finally together family is working out okay. Mom now knowing dad offeered his house to me after grad is trying a little more to keep around even asked me a few times to not leave which is a good thing i dont know things are just great minus the cold thing at the moment which im fighting out so i can be all good. Well thats basically it really nothing too exciting in my life at the moment just living it day to day more exciting that way. This coming from a girl who 3 hours ago was getting ready to cry herself to sleep cause no one wanted to see her to being the happiest person ever cause her boyfriend and his bestfriend came, brought her a milkshake and hung out with her for a bit. Gotta love it =)
Love Always, Samara<3