
May 23, 2008 09:41

I get so tired of doing everything I can to make my friends feel special and they just don't care... I have a "friend" who I used to spend lots of time with... well in the last few months she has stopped wanting anything to do with me.. and I have no clue why... I asked her if I did something to upset her and she said simply "you haven't done anything" and that is it... no other comments as to why she wants nothing to do with me.. and i just don't understand it.. Kris says that I don't need people in my life like that.. and I know he is right.. it just drives me crazy... I don't like to lose friends.. especially for no reason at all... idk ..I guess I just expected her to be as happy about my pregnancy as she said she was going to be .. and as happy as she was for our other friend.. whom she still talks to.. but didn't start talking to until after I did.. I am trying to make new friends.. but with everyone so far away it makes things really hard... I wish that we would have been able to get housing closer to base with ac.. i am especially worried now cause of how high the gas prices are.. idk what we are going to do... If Kris reenlists soon and we are able to get a sign on bonus and we pay off the credit card and one of the cars then we will be able to afford the 3-400 dollars in gas a month... sigh.. but i so wanted to do more important things with that money .. like putting it in savings for instance... sigh.. it is always something right... on a different note
I am having a lot of trouble with weight gain this pregnancy.. and mainly it is because I just want to eat all the time.. and i want to eat really bad food... i have already gained about 25 lbs and I am only halfway.. sigh.. this is sooo not good... it is like i just can't control myself.. idk what is wrong with me... food is all i can think about and then all i can think about is my weight.. sigh... on another note the pregnancy is going fine... the baby is kicking a lot now... well i guess i need to go and write my phineas gage paper.. i am soooo sick of school.. i just want to quit.. i hate all these stupid female teachers that don't even allow us the full week to do our work.. assholes! Oh well... on to getting stuff done.. sigh.. so
that's all for now,
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