(no subject)

Oct 30, 2006 23:36

wow i haven't wrote in here for like three months. well lets see. marching band is over saturday we hosted our own compitition. the football team ripped the field to shreds friday. the field was nothing but mud for the compitition. alot of the directors were coplaining about some bands left after seeing the field but we still had 25 bands that performed. i helped my one friend be a band guide and the band i helped her with was a really amazing band. i could tell they worked so hard on there show. there director was strict but yet he knew when to joke around. he seemed like a really good director. well then we proformed and alot of the other bands thought we were a college band. so i guess we put on a good proformance.

well i had Rennisance festival a couple weeks ago. it was a fun expieriance. we had to proform a skit and sing. it was alot of fun. i was a jester, even though i cant juggle. oh well . now we are getting ready for Rennisance Feast. i have to learn 80 lines for our new script. this is like the first time i have ever acted in front of a crowd. i was always to nervous to tryout for the school plays but i think after this expieriance i will be more confident so i will tryout.

Spig and i are still going strong. if it wasn't for her being here for me i would of taken the move alot harder. she will never know how much i appriciate her being there for me. i am just so thankful that she is willing to wait for me. she truly means everything to me. today it really hit hard that i realized i wont see her again till dec 20th. it brouht tears to my eyes. it feels like an eternity. but alas it will be worth it when i get to see her beautiful smiling face.

well thats all for now. i will try in keep ppl updated on here more often

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