Tetsuya Cookbook

Sep 11, 2009 00:28

To date, the best restaurant that Merrill and I have dined at is without a doubt, Tetsuya's. I have been there a total of 3 times and if I could have my way, would definitely want to dine there once a year. Unfortunately that is not possible now that we are no longer living in Sydney so I recently picked up his cookbook hoping to recreate some of his dishes. While I have to say that the cooked meat dishes do not interest me that much, I can't wait to try out the rare seafood dishes. Think "Tartare of Marinated Scampi with Tomato and Pepper Sorbet", "Sashimi of Hamachi with Blood Orange and Ginger Vinaigrette" and of course Tetsuya's signature dish, "Confit of Petuna Ocean Trout with Konbu and Fennel Salad". *drool* If only he included the recipe for his take of a strawberry shortcake as well.

Anyway I actually tried creating my own version of his Tuna Tartare on Sushi Rice with Avocado Soup and Caviar (unfortunately his book doesn't include the recipe although there is one for the avocado soup) last week and it turned out decent but the marinade for the tuna tartare still requires some tweaking. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more ideas from the book.

Merrill's review of our last meal at Tetsuya's here.

Confit of Petuna Tasmanian Ocean Trout with Konbu, Fennel, Apple & Witlof
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