One last chance to do it right...

Nov 04, 2004 22:36

I just checked out the newest Star Wars trailer online (like... 6 times).  It is fucking awesome.  We got Vader, we got a shiny 3PO... finally people are starting to look badass, like Anakin.  And we have an army of Wookies!  How fucking cool is that.  It incorporates some of the original Star Wars movie, which is good.  The trailer makes it look like this might actually be an honest to god Star Wars movie.  I swear to god Lucas, you fuck this up the last memory we have of your Star Wars is you fucking up the franchise and screwing with the originals.  Don't fuck it up this time.

I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but this is straight out an American classic... I want some evil now.  Check it out, I'm not sure this link'll work since it's within AOL, but just tell me if it doesn't and I'll find another one.
*found out it's AOL content for a bit... they released it a day early, but the trailer will probably be posted to other places on the 5th or 6th. Trust me, it's awesome. So glad I get AOL for free now*
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