
Oct 27, 2004 00:14

I'm registered at a dating site, and my profiles specifically states looking for 18-35 year old men. Now, this is a little outside of my range at both ends (I'd never date an 18 year old and a 35 year old is iffy...). But nevertheless, I get messages from 45+ age men. I got one message from a 51 year old. His reason for contacting us young'un girls in our twenties? "I like younger women for two reasons. First they generally have a great outlook and different attitudes which I find interesting. Next, women closer to my age are looking to settle down and full time commitment which is not where I am at right now." WTF??!!

Let me paraphrase this for you. "I'm afraid of women my age, cause they're intelligent and know what they want from sex, specifically orgasms." Oooh... scary. There are DEFINITELY women that are 40+ that aren't looking for commitment, just a good time. There is absolutely no fucking way that a 20 year old woman is an intellectual equal to a 50 year old woman. Just not fucking possible. I can't understand how a man thinks that women his age aren't attractive, but that he's attractive enough to pick up women 20+ years his junior. Now... if he had been honest, say "I like women in their 20s cause they're a little naive and have great tits", he'd still be an asshole but at least an honest asshole. Or maybe "They're more likely to give me head and not expect anything in return."

What in the world makes a man think that a woman would be attracted to a man that could be her father (in my case, older than my father). Umm... yeah. If the age difference is greater than my age, it's just sick. There's a few women that jones for the older men, but I've never understood it, never will. It's just mighty skeevy. These men need to grow up and approach women their own ages, they're beautiful, fucking smart as hell, and probably know how to have better sex than I do. In other words, they're as attractive as hell in all senses of the word. A lot of older men just need to grow the fuck up.

Not a real question, just one of my own, so it won't be labeled as one, just as a ranting. Take it as you will.
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