Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Character's Age: Unknown; at least 70. He's done enough self-experimentation that he no longer ages normally.
Fandom: Bleach. See History: Kurotsuchi's origin within New Sanctum is unknown, but it is known that he's been with the New Sanctum Govermental Research Division for over 50 years. In that time, he has proven himself to be a brilliant researcher, often testing new techniques on himself. He tends to become obsessed with certain projects; his latest interest is Aeons and the science of transferring them into objects (which usually works) and living beings (which usually doesn't.)
Personality: Kurotsuchi is an utter sociopath. He regards other humans as nothing more than subjects, and has no emotional connection to them and isn't afraid to attempt horrifying and unethical procedures on them. He has also preformed enough procedures on himself that, if he weren't already deep into the government, he'd be branded an mutant and taken in for experimentation. In fact, there is some speculation that he was always a mutant and some of his abilities are inborn.
Powers (if applicable): Most of Kurotsuchi's abilities were ones he gained through his own research. One of his arms can extend up to ten feet, and the dagger-like protrusion from his head can be pulled out and thrown at the enemy. (It is connected by what appears to be a long ligament.) He also has incredible powers of regeneration; it is likely that nothing short of a bullet through the head or decapitation can kill him. His sword, Ashisogi Jizo, has a few special powers, as well.
Anything extra: Kurotsuchi is one of the top researchers in the NSGRD and is probably involved in the plights of several of the ex-experimentees. He is directly responsible for much of the current research into Aeons and would very much like to obtain a summoner, if he can find one.
Kurotsuchi has a Wutanese katana called "Ashiogi Jizo" into which he transferred an Aeon called Ksitigarbha. [I might call the Aeon Jizo. Ksitigarbha is the original name in Buddhist tradition; Jizo is the Japanese name for the spirit. Canonically, it's just another form of the sword, not a separate entity.] The Aeon's power gives Ashiogi Jizo the power to paralyze the opponent on touch if not defended against. When summoned, Ksitigarbha takes the form of a giant monster with a baby's head. Its attack, a cloud of vapor, can either cause unconsciousness or death when inhaled. In mythology, Ksitigarbha is the guardian of the spirits of miscarried, stillborn, and aborted infants in Hell.