sitting here at the computer at work. Bored. i kinda miss school cuz i miss seeing everyone every day, but then i dont miss school cuz i dont have to deal with stupid shit. Stupid rules. emma you are gonna have to let me know when prom tickets go on sale in april. or tell coke to call me either or. ill tell ya one thing i really dont miss. Mr. Petitt. That fucker use to call me down to his office at least once a week cuz hes a fuckin retard and never told the attendence office that i was oped out of PE and had a work release.
art class
hanging out at the lockers between classes
See everyone during the day
funky chicken sandwiches in A Le Cart
the stupid threat notes and stuff you read while taking a pee in the girls bathroom
the smell of clorine down by the pool
the "Cool Kids" acting stupid
recieving everyones senior pictures