Feb 19, 2006 18:11
GAH! My Optics lab is a major pain! It's a writing emphasis course, so every week we have to do lab reports. The lab is only worth one credit, but the lab reports take me 4+ hours every week! It takes up almost my entire Sunday! It's only week three and I'm really really sick of it. >.<
Another woe, it has been FREEZING here the past few days! We got a ton of snow Wednesday night into Thursday, and then the temperature plummeted. Today wasn't so bad (high of 15 F), but I don't think it got much above 0 yesterday. And it looks like it's going to be staying cold for awhile. :(
*sigh* Now that that's all off my chest... :P
Tomorrow is my date from the date auction. :) Don't know what the plan is, but it should be interesting. I'll let you all know how it goes in my next update.
I think my Calculus test of doom went ok on Thursday. I know I made a few mistakes, but I'm sure I did better than I did on the last quiz! I should find out my score on Monday.
Wednesday I had my interview for Desk Coordinator. I think that went pretty well, and I have a pretty good shot at a position since there are 6 openings and only 9 people applied. Tuesday is my RA interview. That should be set up almost exactly the same as the DC interview, so I will be ahead of the game now. :)
Next weekend I'm doing Relay for Life. I'm on a team with some other girls from my wing (and a few other people that I don't know). It sounds like they are going to have some really neat events going on during the Relay: DDR Competitions, hat making, a local band (Tyler *heart* and Andy), and a ton of other stuff. :) I've raised over $200 for that. I'm quite proud of myself, especially since I loathe asking people for money, even when it is for a really good cause.
Anyways, it's time to try and finish my evil Optics report. :P Have a great week! :)