Jan 30, 2006 18:53
Kinz and I just wanted to say hello and that we miss everyone. We lost our computer in the fire, so the computer at Days Inn is the most convenient. Unfortunately, ever since we got wireless internet something has been wrong with the connection up until today. Apparently Siraj had to reset the router(sp). Know we will be able to keep in touch a little better.
We now live at 2655 Vineville Ave. Apt.F. If your coming from downtown going up Vineville, after you pass the intersection where Pierce Ave. crosses, it is the first road to your right. The street is Stonewall Place. Our phone number is the same.
My stepaunt is still on the ventillator, and for some reason keeps getting an infection. The doctors keep trying to take her off and her heart rate and blood pressure keep going up. She really doesn't react to anything anymore.
My cousin is also still on the ventillator, but she has been responding very well and she can answer questions in different ways. It is pretty much a miracle, because the Medical Center didn't give much hope of any kind of recovery.
Plus with the apt. catching on fire, these past 2 months have been very emotional and very stressful.
Anyways, I hope everyone is doing fine and we love ya'll!