Title: I wish I was a Lesbian
Fandom: 30 Rock
Author: Babydykecate
Pairing: Liz/Gretchen
Rating: PG-13
Song: My Best Friend by Hello Saferide
Summary: Liz wants to fall in love with Gretchen, but she's straight... right? Liz daydreams about being a lesbian like in Imagine Me & You, and falling in love with Gretchen.
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for Blind Date of 30 Rock and Imagine Me & You. Warning for mild swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own 30 Rock, Imagine Me & You, Conviction or their characters. I also don't own the rights to "My Best Friend" by Hello Saferide. No profit made, no infringement intended.
Online Videos by Veoh.com(if you want a copy of the song tell me, and I'll upload it)