Fic: A Girl Needs a Gun These Days {Criminal Minds - Elle/Emily} 5/?

Nov 30, 2011 03:32

Title: A Girl Needs a Gun These Days 5/?
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Elle/Emily
Summary: The current BAU team is brought to Brooklyn when a series of murdered rapists looks to be the work of a vigilante. Previous chapters.
Warning: Deals with rape.
Rating: R
Notes: A huge thanks to serialbathera for all her amazing advice as my beta.
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds. No profit made, no infringement intended.

--------------- Chapter 5: Seven Devils All Around You

Prentiss is on Hotch's heels when he stops abruptly in the hall, and soon she sees the reason why. Elle leans against the wall, eyes hard, lips curled in a stubborn smile.

"I should be there Hotch," Elle says, as though this were only a tense fight between good friends, not long estranged ones.

"I'm not discussing this Elle," Hotch answers firmly, taking a step toward the door.

"She trusts me," Elle argues.

"You're no longer an agent. You have no business being involved any further," Hotch replies, not looking at Elle.

"You're the ones who involved me!" Elle snaps, her voice raised. "Hotch, I could be valuable in there. I know this girl. I understand her," Elle adds, softer.

"No gun," Hotch finally replies.

Elle raises an eyebrow. Hotch returns a hard look. Prentiss leaves them in the hall and walks back into the precinct.

"Fine, fine, no gun. Still haven't gotten mine back from you guys anyway," Elle says after a moment, resigned. "Where you are guys headed now?"

"Katharine's apartment," Prentiss answers as she returns.

"Waste of time. We need to go to Trevor Lloyd's apartment, and we need to be there before nightfall," Elle answers, as she adjusts the kevlar vest Prentiss handed her.

"Katharine's rapist? You really think she's already worked her way up to that?" Prentiss asks as she recalls the name from the screen.

"Based on the last group session? Hell yes," Elle replies without explanation.

"Okay, Rossi can go ahead to Katharine's apartment with the locals, and we'll head to Lloyd's now," Hotch declares.


The setting sun paints the run-down block in a warmer glow, dusky purples and oranges reflected in the barred windows. The super responds quickly to the buzzer, and soon Hotch, Prentiss and Elle are making their way up the stairs, followed closely by the SWAT team. Outside other SWAT members cover the perimeter and try to get a visual inside the apartment. SWAT works on clearing the surrounding apartments as Hotch and his team approach the apartment door.

"Unlocked," Hotch says quietly, raising his eyebrows.

"She's getting sloppy," Prentiss answers, giving Hotch a worried look.

Hotch eases the door open and gestures their formation to Prentiss. They clear the front two rooms quickly, with Elle following closely behind Prentiss. When they come to the ajar door at the end of the hall, Hotch and Prentiss take position on either side, with Hotch counting down on his hand.

"FBI, freeze!" Hotch and Prentiss yell as they enter the room, guns trained.

In the corner of the room Lloyd is backed against the wall, with a bloodied and bruised cheek. Standing in front of him is Katharine, her hair and clothes disheveled, her gun pointed at his chest.

"Ms. Garret, I need you to put down the gun," Hotch orders as he and Prentiss move into the room, inching toward Katharine.

"No clear shot," SWAT crackles into Hotch's ear piece.

"Katharine," Elle says softly.

Katharine turns her head to Elle, revealing tear tracks down her cheeks and a bruise on her neck.

"Elle, you can't stop me," Katharine responds, the hand holding the gun shaking slightly.

"He isn't worth your life, Katharine," Elle tells her, taking two steps toward her.

"I don't want my life!" Katharine shouts, her hand now shaking violently.

"I know," Elle replies gently, now less than two feet from Katharine.

"You know?" Katharine asks, her face crumpling.

"I know," Elle confirms, her hands swiftly grabbing the gun while Katharine is distracted. She hands the weapon off to Prentiss, then pulls Katharine into her arms. Heavy sobs wrack Katharine's body as she clings to Elle. Around them Hotch leads Lloyd from the room and Prentiss watches awkwardly.

Eventually Elle helps Prentiss cuff Katharine. As their bodies brush against each other, Prentiss notices the redness around Elle's eyes.


Elle is unstrapping her kevlar vest by the curb when Prentiss walks over to her.

"How about a drink? You've earned it," Prentiss suggests.

"You buying?" Elle retorts.

"Oh yeah, the first round's on me. After that we'll just have to fight it out," Prentiss says with a smile.

"I guess we will," Elle replies, handing Prentiss the vest. "There's a good bar two stops from here."

"We're taking the subway?" Prentiss questions.

"Hell yes. You're in my city now," Elle says with a laugh.


fic: criminal minds, fic: a girl needs a gun these days, fandom: criminal minds, pairing: elle/emily

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