Fanmix: A Girl Called Gamma {Dollhouse - A Fanmix for Imprinted Back}

Mar 07, 2010 09:35

Fandom: Dollhouse
Subject: A Fanmix for Musical_Junkie's BB Fic, Imprinted Back
Title: A Girl Called Gamma
Pairing: Claire (Gamma)/ Topher
Notes: Major spoilers for musical_junkie 's Jossverse Big Bang fic Imprinted Back. Please read the fic before viewing the fanmix.

1. Tom's Diner, Suzanne Vega
2. Somedays (Edited), Regina Spektor
3. Hard Wired, Tracy Chapman
4. In My Head, Anna Nalick
5. A Friend Like You, Ruthie Foster
6. There's a Girl, The Ditty Bops
7. Girl & the Ghost (Edited), KT Tunstall
8. Versions of Violence, Alanis Morisette
9. Come Together, The Beatles
10. Blackbird, The Beatles

Somedays and Girl & the Ghost have been edited slightly by me to make the lyrics fit more closely with the fic.

"She met Adelle DeWitt on her first day working apart from Melinda, and Gamma could instantly tell that Adelle wasn’t the typical Kari’s patron. Adelle came in as the lunch rush was dying down, looking more put together than Gamma could ever hope to be."

1. Tom's Diner, Suzanne Vega
I am sitting, in the morning, at the diner, on the corner, I am waiting, at the counter, for the man, to pour the coffee

"The day Adelle offered Gamma the job was also Gamma’s worst day as a Kari’s Kitchen employee. It was the culmination of a long week and a shit storm of negativity from her customers and co-workers. Kari had yelled at her for being two minutes late to her shift, Construction Worker Jimmy had told her she “ain’t worth a whistle today,” and the cook had messed up three customers’ orders (who had, in turn, blamed Gamma). She was about thirty seconds from throwing down her apron when Adelle entered."

2. Somedays (Edited), Regina Spektor
Somedays aren't yours at all. They come and go, as if they're someone else's days. They come and leave you behind someone else's face, and it's harsher than yours, and colder than yours.
“I’m here to offer you a job… and get that cheeseburger, if you don’t mind.”

I've gone away. Don't call me, don't write

"Adelle could sense that Gamma was starting to get nervous. “It’s alright. It’s perfectly safe, and it will make five years pass like a heartbeat.” Gamma took a deep breath and settled down into the chair. “If you say so” were the last words Gamma would speak for nearly two years."

3. Hard Wired, Tracy Chapman
We've got a box to put in your brain, hard wired for downloading. All the secrets and the mysteries, you've been selfishly withholding

"This “Emma Grace (Gamma) McKay” was definitely something special, and Topher was desperate to know why. Topher didn’t get that opportunity until Alpha."

4. In My Head, Anna Nalick
Under the weight of your wings, you are a god and whatever I want you to be, and I wonder if truly you are, nearly as beautiful as I believe. In my head, your voice, you've got all that I need,
and this make believe will get me through another lonely night.

"The lack of audio surveillance made Topher’s apartment the perfect place for his late nights with Emma Grace. They could talk freely as he prepared her to start her life as Dr. Saunders."

5. A Friend Like You, Ruthie Foster
When I need someone to tell my troubles to, you're the first one who comes to my mind.

"It took six months before they slept together. It wasn’t romantic and it wasn’t the finally!-type culmination of their months of arguments. It just happened. One night, they wound up entangled in Topher’s sheets. They weren’t exactly sure how it happened, but they both enjoyed it. They agreed that it really was their best option for this sort of thing, and they were of the rare breed for whom “friends with benefits” actually worked. It made sense for them to sleep together, so they did. "

6. There's a Girl, The Ditty Bops
There's a girl that you might know, she's a friend at least I tell you so, but it might surprise you to find there's something going on behind the door.

"All in all, there was nothing unusual about the exam except the nagging thought in the back of Gamma’s mind that she had seen Nicole somewhere, but the minimal information in her file didn’t give Gamma any clue as to where that might have been."

7. Girl & the Ghost, KT Tunstall
The girl and the ghost haven't seen each other in three years. The girl and the ghost feel simple seconds slipped away, slipped away.

"...Quebec was something else altogether. Her breakdown had been the result of a systematic demolition of her life and spirit, every step recorded in a document full of so much malice and cruelty it made Ivy physically ill."

8. Versions of Violence, Alanis Morisette
These versions of violence, sometimes subtle, sometimes clear, and the ones that go unnoticed, still leave their mark once disappeared.

" “Gamma, it’s awful. You don’t want to read it. The things that they did to her-it’s the worst kind of torture. Whoever this was ruined her life and they were proud of it.”
“Do you have a copy for me?”
“I copied it over onto a flash drive like you told me. The text of the document is broken up and hidden in the lyrics section of an MP3 album, so you can read it discretely on your iPod, but I wouldn’t, if I were you.”
Ignoring Ivy’s warning, Gamma asked, “What album is it?”
“The Beatles’ White Album.”
“Why the White Album?”
“It was the longest CD I had.” "

"The plan, as it turned out, was more complicated than any of Gamma’s plans and it involved Gamma going to the one place she hoped to never enter again-Kari’s Kitchen. She was going out to lunch with Adelle to meet Kari’s latest “project.” It was a repulsive term, but Gamma was reassured by the fact that Adelle found the whole thing as inhuman as she did."

9. Come Together, The Beatles
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free, come together right now over me

"Gamma watched it all. She watched Kari beg that she wouldn’t tell anyone. She watched Kari plead to be set free. And, she watched as Topher flipped the switch that would prepare Kari for a good, long stay in the attic. Adelle thanked her for her help and led her to a phone where she could call her parents. It was over."

10. Blackbird, The Beatles
Black bird singing in the dead of night, take these sunken eyes and learn to see. All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to be free.


fanmix: a girl called gamma, fanmix: dollhouse, pairing: claire/topher, fandom: dollhouse

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