Aug 24, 2004 11:45
hey so whats new??
Havent written in a while even though i keep meaning to things have just been a little crazy on my end
so heres a little update on whats been going on: i'll start on thrusday
Thrusday: the greatest day of my summer vacation so far.. THE FLOOZIE CONCERT... OMG it was amazing.. i knew that i had missed the guys and all but i didnt realize that i had missed them that much... The guys were extra sweet that nite.. and they played even better then i remembered... I caught Matts Drum stick when he throw it into the crowd i was so happy.... Got my hug from all of the guys... saw both mike and jims chest yummy i might like to add...
Friday- i dont really remember what i did.. probably sat around the house and watched T.V hmm i dont remember.. i do remember my grandma called and my fav. restaurant to get fish fry is closeing down.. theAlps.. Kind of sad i dont kno where i will get a good fish fry..
Saturday- The mornign i sat around the house cuz i was home by myself and had nothign else to do.. Then the schedules came in and i was on the phone from like 2:30 all the way to like 5:30 and then i was told that i couldnt be on the phone anymroe cuz i was tying up the phone line my only answer to that was well if you had gotten me my cell phone like i asked for my birthday we wouldnt have this probem NOW WOULD WE... That nite we went to the Mac House so we could say good-bye to my sister...:::Tears:::... i will never forget the 2 things she said to me 1. Meg n room explode. n 2. Dont worry about high school with out me you'll get through it, it isnt as bad as u think. i think i should have told her that before she left. she's haveing hard time ajusting to the life style there all she wants to do is come home who can blaim her though
Sunday- Mom n Dad took us to the Erie County Fair..LOL kyle keep saying "this is the most expensive petting zoo i have ever been too" i was happy i got to see the horsey and thats all that mattered to me... but i came to the conclusion i dont like birds very much they kind of scare me... maybe thats y i dont feel bad when i eat them *sorry lauren*
Monday (yesterday) hmm i went to the school so i could get my working papers oo yeah now i can go work in the mall... Mall Employ Discount here i come... Hard to beleave i kno the school was CLEAN i dont think i have ever seen the school clean before... umm talked to Peters about the changes in the school but i cant stand being around that man anyway so i made that a short visit.. Still really angry about the NO HOMEROOM and CARRYING AN AGENDA thing... it's all really bullshit and the more responsablity that they should be giving us isnt comeing.. sigh
Today - Tuesday- i dont really kno whats on the schedule..umm i think i am sitting around the house for a while, my dad has to finish painting the house... so nothign i kno later i was told i was babysitting i hate how they dont asked me my mom just says yea she can baby sit and then i get told the morning of that i have to baby sit... No it's ok i didnt have any plans g-damn parents suck unless there goving me something grrrrrrrrrr
2 weeks till school starts should be an interesting first week SIGH
Leave me a comment if you think our school is on crack
love, caitie