Jun 18, 2004 17:38
ok well i just got this so i am going to be writein from this week to today
Wensday- umm i think i sat at home all day and studied for the stupid earth science exam
Thursday- ME and my FLOOZIE chicks went to american legion in NT to see FLOOZIE perform omg was it great i think the only bad parts were:
A. joe didnt come with
B. me geting sick on the corner by micky d's
but what a great nite if i say so my self
Me and my girls listened to the FLOOZIE CD most of the nite thats what we fell asleep to and fallign asleep to mike and jims voice is unbeleaveable
Friday (Today)_the stupid earth science exam if that wasnt an easy exam i dont kno what is...lol... me and my girls are still on a floozie high we couldnt stop talkign about that concert to everyone.. we were like lauren said "walkign talking billboards today with out matchign shirts..
well anyway
go to www.floozieband.com and u'll be doing me, lauren, and trisha a favor cuz we are officaly members of the floozie street team
ok i kno it seems like they are all we talk about and it is half of the time but mike and the band love the floozie chicks and we love the band so u kno how could it be any better then it already is lol....
Well anyway i am currently watching qualifying for the NASCAR race this weekemd and DALE EARNHARDT JR just qualifyed 7th which isnt bad but u kno it is good
anyway i will write in this later
and hey lauren just 2 weeks and a day
Joe i'm sorry if ur mad at me i didnt mean to make u mad i still love u MUAH