Some news

Nov 30, 2013 12:48

Hello guys!

I know I haven't been a good friend lately and I'm sorry. But I have so many things to think about and a lot of work! Though, I won't complain about it.

Nothing really new here.
My little boy is doing great and is the most adorable BabyBoy ever!

Though we did have a car crash a few days ago. I was waiting for my hubby to pick me up at home. He was supposed to drive me somewhere and took our son with him. I saw them in the street and then, "BOOM", a crazy car came and crashed into them. They totally broke our bumper but, thanks God, it was actually more frightening than hurtful. Everyone is safe but it was the scarriest experience of all my life because I saw them being crashed into. It was horrible. My son got scared and didn't want to pu a foot in the car again -_- And he loved being drived by his father everywhere.
The guys (far too young to be driving) who caused the accident run away, taking a one-way street. Fortunately a guy stayed with us to bear witness to the Police.
Everything is fine, really, but I was so very scared!

I hope you're doing well and that everything is fine♥
Love you guys and missing you so much!

[me - myself & i]

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