I've got a list of 20 of my favorite pairings. All you need to do is give me a number (1-20) and a mundane household chore, like folding laundry or doing dishes, and I'll write a snippet and explain how the task would go, in-character for that pairing and universe.
If you want me to write your ficlet in French, let me know!;)
I know I've already a lot of writing meme and other games I haven't finished... But you know me I'll write all of them! One day... or another xD
So, fire away!
1) Vacuuming, for
bringthefate2) Ironing, for
piwi_chan3) Putting away groceries, for
quiet__tiger4) Assembling furnitures from Ikea, for
lucre_noin 5) Do te weeding, for
naemi6) Making the laundry, for
candream7) Mopping the floor, for
mithrel8) Washing the windows, for
pippii9) Sorting the playroom, for
charlie_jae10) Organising their books, for
mrs_leary11) Dusting the furnitures, for
jessm7812) Cooking, for
ladyknightanka13) Nettoyer les fenêtres, pour
heera_Ookami 14)
oximore15) Cleaning out a fireplace, for
svgurl16) Recycling/taking out the rubbish, for
themirrorofsin17) Faire du jardinage ou s'occuper des plantes d'intérieur, pour
marryblack18) Washing the dishes, for
miya_tenaka19) Walk the dog/cat/chicken, for
kos_mos60720) Remplir la déclaration d'impôts, for
babel121BONUS : Clean out the garage, for