BattleStar Galactica

Jun 30, 2012 12:42

I just finished to watch BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.
I'm not a very huge fan of Sc-Fi but I have to admit that I really enjoyed this show.
It was different and really interesting from the beginning to the end. Even if I think that the last season wasn't that good.

As much as I enjoyed the show, I know it is a story I'll never be able to write about. I don't know why. Perhaps, because the characters I liked did have interesting backgrounds and love stories... Who knows? xD

Interesting thing, as usual, my heart didn't betray me!;)
My favorite character was HELO from the very first episode! I adore him!♥
Now, I'll have to watch DOLLHOUSE because of Tahmoh Penikett xD

[fandom] - battlestar galactica, [actors] - tahmoh penikett

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