Easter Baskets @ smallearth

Apr 11, 2012 10:31

Easter exchange is over @ smallearth^^

Here you are the ficlets I wrote for each participant!
(Each of them have for subject Easter)

For josephina_x

- Clark, don’t! Whispered Lex against his boyfriend's mouth. Your parents could see us.
- Don't you worry about that, smiled Clark, between two kisses.
Clark wasn't worried because he knew he would hear them come before they could see them.
- No, really, added Lex trying really hard to resist those sinful lips and those beautiful and pleading blue eyes.
It's so kind of them to invite me for Easter. It's the very first time I celebrate it and I don't want your dad to kick me out of the house because he'd thought I was depraving his so very pure son.
- Haven’t you already done that? Provoked Clark.
- Did I now? Lex teased back.
- You definitely did, answered Clark his knee brushing against Lex's hard on.
- Clark, honey, Lex! Called Martha; would you like some tea or coffee before dessert?
Lex barely could answer.
- Thank you Mrs. Kent, coffee would be lovely.
- Sucking you would be lovely, whispered Clark to his hear.
- My God, Clark! You're the devil! How am I supposed to go back to the living room like that? Asked Lex, showing his now big problem.
- You won't, smirked Clark falling to his knees.
- Clark! Lex shrieked before letting his boyfriend having his wicked way with him.

For twinsarein

- What are we actually doing here? Oliver asked when Clark was giving him a salad.
- I thought we could eat at the park today, answered Clark with a smile. Since the day I came to Metropolis I've enjoyed seeing children looking for eggs at this park. It makes me remember of my childhood.
Oliver nodded and took a cherry tomato.
- Didn't you like looking for eggs yourself when you were a little kid? Asked Clark.
- I know that my parents celebrated Easter but I don't remember it for myself.
Clark changed the topic of the conversation not wanting to see Ollie sad.

Oliver spent a really nice day in the park with Clark. Luckily they had a beautiful and sunny day for Easter and he definitely enjoyed the meal Clark cooked for him. Looking at children chasing each other and looking for eggs was enjoyable and he missed those moments he certainly shared with his parents but not remembered.
When he went to bed, refusing to drink a glass of alcohol to feel better, he thought he would have a sleepless night. But when his head lied on the soft cushion he felt something hard under it.
He looked under the cushion and found a red and blue egg with a note.
You did find the very first egg. Enjoy your Hunt and get the prize. Clark.
Oliver smiled at that.
Clark definitely knew him too well.
-So let's have fun and see where the hunt and the night would get him!

For ziva21

- So what do you think? Asked a very embarrassed Chloe.
Oliver turned around and looked at the petite blond wearing a very tight but nonetheless elegant orange dress.
- Beautiful... he barely whispered.
- I really wasn't sure orange would suit me but it is Lois' favorite color so I wanted to be perfect for her wedding.
- You are; he smiled at her, gently touching the orange slide in her hair. You always are.
- Thank you, Ollie for coming with me today and for being so nice. Weddings do put me under stress and I want for Clark and Lois's wedding to be wonderful.
Oliver gently took her hands. He knew how much she missed Jimmy and just couldn't forget about him and the wedding that made her miserable.
- One day you'll feel better, Chloe, he gently whispered to her, and that day I'll be the one to ask for your hand.

For flareonfury

- What are you doing all alone? Whispered Clark at the window.
- Clark! You're not supposed to see the braid before the weeding, answered Chloe.
- I'm not looking at you, I promise. I just heard that the other left and that you've been alone for a while.
- I was thinking...
- About?
- About us.
- Is it a good thinking about us? Because we're supposed to marry today.
- Don't be ridiculous, Clark. You're the one for me.
- As you are.

- Here, she said after a moment of silence.
She gave him something through the window.
- It is...
- It is the egg you gave me that very first day.
- When you were crying because that naughty boy stole the eggs you did find. You kept it all those years?
- I did. That egg was your first gesture towards me and since then I just knew it was you.
- I'm sorry it took me longer to understand.
- Hey, Mr. Kent, you may be a superhero, you're still a man.
- Not any man, Mrs. Kent, your husband.

For pippii

- Where are we going? Asked Bart surprised.
- You need to vent, Bart, so we’ll go somewhere you actually can run outside and enjoyed yourself, answered Oliver.
- I thought you said no training during Easter break, pouted Bart.
- I wouldn’t really call that training, smiled mysteriously Oliver.
When they arrived in the really big garden of the Queen’s Mansion, Bart smiled once again.
- This is your home, isn’t it? He asked in awe.
- That was my parents’ home, answered Oliver; it’s still hard for me to come here.
- So why are we here? Gently asked Bart. I don’t want you to hurt.
He gently took Oliver’s hand, still a little shy.
- Because I have a surprise for you, smiled Oliver once again. The people from the house and I spent the day yesterday to hide eggs all around the mansion and the forest!
Bart was now gasping.
- You mean…?
- I mean, there are all for you to find.
Now Bart was sure that he would cry. He hugged Oliver very tight. He remembered telling his boyfriend his parents forbidding him year after year to take part to Easter Egg Hunt because he was too fast and would find all the eggs before other children. So he never could take part to the fun.
- You’re the very best boyfriend ever, he whispered to the man who stole his heart away faster than the lightning stroke him.

For mandatorily

When Dinah entered Oliver’s loft she found him sitting in front of his table as if confronted to a very complicated problem.
- What’s wrong with you? Why are you looking at those chicks in chocolate as if they’ve insulted you?
- I don’t like chocolate.
Dinah gasped.
- What do you mean, you don’t like chocolate? Everybody likes chocolate!
- I don’t.
Dinah sat next to him and picked a little egg in chocolate and stuffed it in her mouth.
- Okay, I see. You’ve got what looks like kilos of chocolate and just don’t know what to do about it.
- I was thinking about calling Bart, actually.
- Bart? Have you lost your mind it would be giving pearls before swine! He would eat everything like in a nanosecond!
- That’s the point.
- No way! I have a better idea! Give it to me, tonight we have a girl’s night with Lois and Chlo, we’ll take care of your evil chocolate.
- As if!

That very same night
- Do not touch me!
- Oh, come on, Dinah! We haven’t had sex for a week!
- I think I will vomit.
Dinah rushed to the toilettes and Oliver followed her.
- Dinah… You didn’t actually eat all that chocolate.
- We did, she answered before throwing the door in his face.
Oliver sighed but little did he know that Clark and Bart wouldn’t have a better night.

For bringthefate

- What are you doing? Asked Clark when he entered her room.
This boy was definitely hot but not the brighter.
- I'm painting eggs, she answered rising an elegant brow, and it’s a tradition in our family.
- There are beautiful, he added, looking at the multicolored eggs. They're sparkling.
- That's because they are magic.
The man looked at her intrigued.
- Don't hurt yourself thinking too much, pretty boy. There isn't nothing wrong here, just magical eggs.
- And what those do?
- It depends which one you picked. Do choose one.
Clark seemed hesitant.
- Are you actually scared? Do you think I'd enchanted eggs to do evil?
Clark rolled his eyes and chose and yellow and orange egg.
- Funny, I wouldn't think you'd pick that one.
- And what that egg does?
- Fulfill a wish, if the said wish doesn't cause harm or trouble to anyone.
Make your wish, then, she quickly added.
Clark closed his eyes and made his wish and he waited. Nothing happened.
Zatanna got up and slowly turned around him, dead serious, before standing in front of him.
- You could have done anything you wished for, Clark, that egg was very powerful and you asked for something so plain?
- It was important to me, he answered.
She gently smiled at him before kissing him on the lips.

For crazy4ew

- I don't like chocolate, whispered and very desperate and tied up Oliver Queen.
- Don't you worry about that, baby, when I finish with you no chocolate will be left, answered a very horny Clark Kent.
Green Arrow has been on a mission when he crossed Clark's path, unfortunately for him he didn't get at once what was happening. That's why he was now naked and tied up to the beams of Clark's barn, all covered in chocolate.
- You don't know what you're doing Clark, he tried again, you're under red-K influence.
- Believe me, pretty boy, I exactly know what I'm doing, purred Clark. I've got you where I've always wanted you.
Oliver cried aloud when Clark bite on his right cheek, then liking all the chocolate there.
- Clark, please, he tried again.
- You don't have to beg me, Queen; you'll get anything you could have wished for.
Oliver definitely didn't like the idea of being the bunny of Easter but what Clark's hands and tongue were doing was definitely too wonderful to ignore. He wished he could fight against his urges, wished he wasn't so eager for Clark's attention, and he hoped his best friend wouldn't hate him when he found out what he has done.

For svgurl

It was late when Oliver came back home.
He sighed deeply in the lift. He promised Lois he would be home earlier but since he became the mayor of the city, his work has just overtaken his personal life.
This just couldn’t go on like that anymore. That’s why he took some days off.
When he arrived in the flat he found Lois sitting on the sofa stuffing herself with chocolate.
- Tell me, gorgeous; didn’t you buy all those chocolate eggs, bunnies and chickens for your friends?
Lois smiled guiltily, caught red-handed, or more like chocolate-handed. Though, he definitely didn’t mind when she fully kissed him on the lips.
- I did. I will just buy some more.
- Isn’t Easter tomorrow?
She was now biting her lower lip.
- Right…
Oliver gently smiled at her, slowly and lovingly hugging her.
- You ordered me to prevent you to eat chocolate, honey or that you’d hate me until the end of time.
- I know.
She was now blushing.
Oliver gently kissed Lois on the forehead.
- You know that you’ll always be the woman of my life even with some more pounds.
She punched him in the arm.
- Don’t be angry, Lo’, I love your cute little belly. And I love even more the two beautiful girls we’re waiting for.
Lois smiled at last.
- Be ready to spend all your money for our chocolate, Mister Queen!

For rjchasez

- An egg in chocolate?
It was more like a giant egg in chocolate.
- Yeah… Blushed Bart. In Europe people do offer chocolate for Easter.
- Oh! Chloe prettily smiled. That’s really nice Bart but I don’t have chocolate for you.
She seemed embarrassed.
- Don’t worry about that, Chlo, it’s ok.
- Well… We do have enough for both of us.
She smiled warmly at him and kissed him on both cheeks.
- Though… I don’t know how the hell we’ll be able to eat it!
Chloe craved for chocolate so they’d find a way.

- Impulse!
- What’s up, boss?
Oliver felt kind of uncomfortable.
- You know, Bart, if you want that a woman understand your true feelings it is better to just tell her instead of stuffing her with chocolate. If she put on weight she’d hate you in the end.
Bart blushed. How came Oliver knew about it all?!
- I can’t.
- Well, at least, try to give her red roses or some perfume. Something light!
Bart was now thinking hard. He never put a kilo because of chocolate but Oliver Queen might know better.
- That I can do!
He ran away faster than wind seeking for the most beautiful red roses of the planet and some perfume in Paris.
He would do anything for his favorite girl.

For karraparis
Clark & Jonathan

Jonathan knew that he’d find Clark in the barn. Every time something turned wrong, Clark decided to hide in the barn. It has always been like this since the very first day.
- Clark?
Clark didn’t answer him but Jonathan could hear him cry. He didn’t have to search long to find him.
- Son, do not cry.
- I broke mummy’s beautiful egg. I just wanted to have a look because it was so beautiful. But… I broke it!
Clark’s eyes were all puffy and red.
- You know, the day I met your mother she was going to the church to give all her beautiful eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt and I broke all of them inadvertently.
Clark gasped.
- And what did she do?
- She asked of me that I paint new ones with her.
- Oh!
- And then, even if mine was truly ugly, we fell in love.
Clark was now thinking.
- Do you think that mummy would agree that I pain some eggs with her?
- I’m sure she’d be more than happy, son.

[pairing] - clark/zatanna, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [character] - jonathan kent, [character] - clark kent, [pairing] - chloe/oliver, [character] - lois lane, [character] - lex luthor, [pairing] - clark/lex, [pairing] - bart/chloe, [character] - zatanna, [pairing] - dinah/oliver, [character] - dinah lance, [pairing] - chloe/clark, [pairing] - lois/ollie, [pairing] - bart/oliver, [seasons] - easter, [fanfic] - easter, [comm] - smallearth, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [character] - chloe sullivan, [pairing] - clark/oliver, [fandom] - smallville, [character] - bart allen/impulse

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