I hope you had a wonderful green day and that you enjoyed yourself.
I'm sorry for being so late but I had so many things to do those last few days -_- Though, let me contribute here^^
An now
May Your Wish Come True!
Birthday Saint Patrick's Day Ficlet - March, 17th
Pairing : Remus/Sirius
Rating : PG
Summary : Remus misses the part of the moon that made him full.
The moon is full. Your heart is empty.
You may drink your potion every month; you still can feel the call of the wolf.
Strong. Powerful. Dangerous.
You hold on tight on the little pendant around your neck.
It is always with you.
A half moon.
It is the new moon.
You can’t see.
But you know it is him.
You can feel it.
Your heart skips a beat.
He is sleeping peacefully next to you.
He hasn’t slept properly for years.
He looks like a ghost. A remembrance.
You’ve hated him for years for betraying your best friends.
You’ve hated yourself even more for still loving him.
But his eyes, oh god! his dark piercing eyes have shot through your soul.
You knew at once he was telling the truth.
You’re laughing.
You haven’t laughed in years.
His hand is so warm against yours.
You’ve found back the unique part that made your pendant moon full.
Don't forget that if you want me to post anything for your birthday (LJ Post, PM, card or a ficlet) you have to COMMENT
HEREI'm sorry but my Lj Friend list is so very long that I just can't keep track!
But I really will more than happily post for anyone who would like it!♣