Multi-fandon Fluff Meme: The only prescription is more snuggling

Nov 11, 2011 23:06


Multi-Fandom Fluff Meme!

Lovely idea, isn't it?

I did write two little ficlets^^
Though... I don't know what is happening to me because...well...this isn't really fluff...
Or the kind of fluff that deserve only villains OoO"

Periwinkle - Adult!Mordred/Morgana>

Morgana is the most powerful sorceress living in Avalon. She saw the birth of this kingdom and she'll make sure to see it burn and destroyed to the roots. She is a solitary witch, she's alone. Though, she loves the darkest forests and the souls of darkness.
She does trust no one. Her love and loyalty are discreet and elusive.
Though, Mordred loves her and her alone.
Since his childhood he thought Merlin would be his enemy, his nemesis. He was wrong, so very wrong. She is his soul mate, his doom.
Every time he comes to see her, he leaves behind him a single periwinkle. The Sorceress' flower. The witch's color. Morgana's madness. His pain.
He knows she keeps every little flower he gives her in her purse. Her treasure.
He hopes one day they'll heal her broken soul and open her heart anew, that he'll be able to see the true Morgana again, the one he fell for, the one he still loves.
Till then he'll stand by her, hugging her night after sleepless night, and watch his world burn.

Happily Ever After - Uther/Ygraine>

He is dying.
He’s not afraid to die, has never been. He was a knight after all, a warrior king.
His breath is hesitant, his heart heavy.
He can hear Arthur’s voice, barely a whisper; a strong and kind voice that is now turned into a desperate murmur. His beautiful and lovingly son is scared to lose a father who never was worthy of him.
He wishes he could see him at least once again.
He knows he won’t be given the chance.
The darkness is all around him. He can feel it in his bones, taste it on his tongue, it is over.
And then, he doesn’t feel the pain anymore, his eyelids are so light, he opens his eyes.
His son is here, looking at him with so much love, seeing in him the father he should have been.
Soon, too soon, the pain is back, fierce, naughty and intractable.
His eyesight blurs and he isn’t seeing Arthur anymore, no, in front of him, beautiful and regal like the first day he saw her, stands his wife, the love of his life, the heart he lost the day she died.
She is smiling at him, murmuring words of forgiveness, kisses of love.
He is dying and he is so very happy, happier than he has ever been. He knows his kingdom will be safe in the hands of Arthur, he knows he’ll have his happily ever after.
He is dying happy.

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [character] - ygraine pendragon, [meme], [fandom] - arthurian legend, [fandom] - merlin, [character] - uther pendragon, [pairing] - mordred/morgane, [pairing] - uther/ygraine, [character] - mordred pendragon, [character] - morgane le fay

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