One Sentence Valentine Fic Meme - For mia_dcwut_09

Feb 02, 2011 00:31

Hi there!^^

Don't forget to give me some pairing & prompt HERE for Valentine Day!
I'll be more than happy to write you something^^


Caspian/Edmund (NARNIA) - Jealous!Caspian

"You should be the one sitting on this throne" growled Caspian when Edmund showed up, late as usual, followed by women's giggle - Edmund the Just was adored by all the laties in the kingdom - "I wouldn't mind to join" answered sensuously the young man sitting on the king's lap and eagerly kissing the king's pout away.

Caspian/Edmund (NARNIA) - Breathless

"You're far more beautiful than Queen Susan ever was", Caspian whispered to his ear one warm night, on the pontoon bridge; Edmund was left speechless by the words, breathless by the kiss that followed.

Caspian/Edmund (NARNIA) - Bruises

The king was tired and broken after the battle, he was smiling to his crew but Edmund knew better; so he decided he would find the king tonight and kiss all the pain away, bruise by bruise.

Caspian/Edmund (NARNIA) - Beauty

The star was a beauty but she wasn't what Caspian's heart craved for.

Caspian/Edmund (NARNIA) - Broken heart

Time has come to leave Narnia; Edmund barely had the courage to look at Caspian knowing there wouldn't be any good-bye kiss.

Edward/Jacob (TWILIGHT) - Hiding

He remembered the first time he saw the leech, he was hiding in the forest, hiding from the humans, from the temptation he said; Jacob didn't believe a word - he had cut his hand and fresh, colorful and warm blood had gushed out, he had waited for the monster to jump on him, he had waited in wain, the vampire had hissed, growled but had run away.

Edward/Jacob (TWILIGHT) - Magic

They were under attack, some powerful leeches had threatened their peaceful life, and the clan of Veggies, as he called them, proposed to help and the Old One has called them for the warrior's ritual; Jacob tried to concentrate but the only thing he could thing about what that coppered hair vampire and his words echoing in his head "Mine"

Edward/Jacob (TWILIGHT) - Warmth
A vampire may be cold but he is never cold or warm, it just doesn't feel it anymore - it was what Edward thought until the day he met Jacob and heard his laugh for the very first time, that genuine and generous smile is the only think on this earth that could make him warm once again.

[fandom] - narnia, [seasons] - valentine day, [character] - caspian, [fanfic] - valentine day, [pairing] - edward/jacob, [character] - edmund pevensie, [character] - edward cullen, [character] - jacob black, [pairing] - caspian/edmund, [fanfic] - sentence, [fandom] - twilight

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