Thank you♥

Dec 23, 2010 21:48

Hi there!

♥♥♥ I know I'm late with everything this month and I'm really sorry guys T^T
But I just don't feel quiet well... Kind of always ill -_-
Whatever I stayed at home today and I'm a little better.

♥♥♥ Thank you my lovely Flist for your Christmas Card!! *HUGS YOU TIGHT*

analineblue Thank you for the lovely Santa Card and for the Christmas Tea! I totally fond of the Tea Box! It is the first time I saw one like that and I love it!! ^_^ By the way, the Tea is pretty good too!♥

frodosweetstuff Thank you for the cute and beautiful Elijah and Sean Christmas card! It is so lovely♥

julchen11 Thank you for the beautiful Christmas Card and for the lovely Winter Poem. Your words always make me warm, my Cookie girl♥

miya_tenaka Thank you for the lovely green Christmas card!♥

newtypeshadow Thank you for the lovely Christmas letter. The note paper is just lovely♥

ronsoftie Thank you for the lovely reindeer card! It is sooo cute^^♥

♥♥♥ I hope everyone got my Christmas Card because they've all be sent! Perhaps you'll receive them shortly if you didn't get them yet. I do not trust French Post Service to deliver Holidays Card for Christmas. They just suck! (goldbandlily, will you come with me if I decide to have a little "chat" with them? èé)

♥♥♥ By the way, I still have some little present to send and some Tea. I'll be a little late but you should get them before New year Eve.

♥♥♥ Now THANK YOU SO MUCH for Writing me Lovely Birthday or Christmas Fics!

kos_mos607 Thanks for the naughty Reid/Tyler ficlet, SINFUL FLESH

michele659 Thanks for the wonderful fic about Gabrielle/Xena and for making Xena came back to life! ;), A Tale of Two Solstices

mithrel Thanks for the lovely ficlet about Bobby/Karen (Supernatural), HERE♥

mrs_leary Thanks for the so cute and lovely fic about Bradley/Colin, SPLINTER

phantomreviewer Thanks for the lovely ficlet about Mordred, ARROW

r_m_writings Thanks for the cute Lucius/Narcissa ficlet, UNCLE GREGORIUS


♥♥♥Aaaaand HAPPY BIRTHDAY ronsoftie!!
Hope you had a wonderful day full of Love and Happiness!♥

[character] - lucius malfoy, [fandom] - merlin, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [birthdays], [actors] - colin morgan, [character] - xena, [character] - narcissa black malfoy, [character] - reid garwin, [seasons] - my birthday, [fanfic] - for me, [fanfic] - gifts, [fandom] - supernatural, [pairing] - bobby/karen, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [seasons] - christmas, [fandom] - harry potter, [fandom] - the covenant, [fandom] - xena princess warrior, [pairing] - lucius/narcissa, [actors] - bradley james, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [character] - karen singer, [character] - mordred pendragon, [character] - gabrielle, [character] - bobby singer, [character] - tyler simms, [pairing] - bradley/colin

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