♥THANKS♥ + Femal Meme catch up

Dec 10, 2010 11:42


♥ Thank you so much, all of you, for your kind words♥
I do feel better today. I'm not sure I could run a marathon yet but I'm okay^^

♥ I know I'm terribly late with my Advent Calendar but I hope I'll be able to do some catch up this week-end. I keep my fingers crossed.

♥ For now I wanted to thank my lovely pippii for the ficlet she wrote for the Advent Calendar @ smallearth.
It seems our Bart met a really nice French girl for Christmas! ;pp

One of his favorite places was France.
At one time he had met a very sweet, young dark-haired woman that had invited him home to celebrate Christmas with her and her husband, when she found out that he was alone in France.
It had been a great experience and Bart had laughed and complimented the Christmas tree. It was a lovely “Christmas in space” red tree that matched him perfectly.

I don't know how to tell you how much this nod to your little BabyD made me happy♥
I think I'll make a red Christmas Tree again this year!:p

♥ Thirty Days of Female Awesome Meme Days 6 to 10♥

Thirty Days of Female Awesome Meme

Day One: Favorite lead female character
Day Two: Favorite supporting female character
Day Three: A female character you hated but grew to love
Day Four: A female character you relate to
Day Five: Favorite female character on a male-driven show
Day Six: Favorite female-driven show = Xena
Day Seven: A female character that needs more screen time = Hunith (Merlin)
Day Eight: Favorite female character in a comedy show = Lamu (Urusei Yastura)
Day Nine: Favorite female character in a drama show = Marie-Antoinette (Versailles no Bara)
Day Ten: Favorite female character in a scifi/supernatural show = President Roslin (BSG)

Day Six: Favorite female-driven show


Well, Xena for sure! She is just my very favorite character ever!
And I do like a lot of characters in this show. Especially women characters! How wonderful are Gabrielle and Callisto?!
Strong and so awesome women!;)

Day Seven: A female character that needs more screen time

HUNITH (Merlin)

I really liked Merlin's mum as a character and was so sad to not have her appear in season 2 or 3. I still hope she'll be back. She is a so nice character, a so lovingly mother and woman, warm and generous♥

Day Eight: Favorite female character in a comedy show

LAMU (Urusei Yastura)

I remember that show from my childhood. It was completely MAD xD
Lamu was so funny with her eletric power and her jealousy. Really beautiful too! I'm pressy sure a lot of people wouldn't mind meeting such E.T xD

Day Nine: Favorite female character in a drama show

MARIE-ANTOINETTE (Versailles no Bara)

She is the ONLY representation of Marie-Antoinette that I actually like.
Really beautiful drew. She was such a heartbreaking character. She was not perfect, far from that, but she was proud and touching.
I generally don't like the image they all give to Marie-Antoinette because she wasn't so stupid and such a bad queen. Wrong place, wrong time. Now, sure, she wasn't one of the brigher French Queen but I just don't like how she is always bashed.

Day Ten: Favorite female character in a scifi/supernatural show

PRESIDENT ROSLIN (BattleStar galactica)

Once again a really strong woman. I liked how she had to become president even if she actually didn't want to, even if she thought she wouldn't be able to. She just had to make decisions the others couldn't or wouldn't and assumed them. Being so ill, and then not only fighting for herself but for all the survivors. She is an awesome woman!♥

[character] - president roslin, [fandom] - versailles no bara, [meme], [character] - marie-antoinette, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [fandom] - merlin, [fandom] - xena princess warrior, [character] - lum, [fandom] - battlestar galactica, [fandom] - urusei yatsura, [character] - hunith

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