MERLIN - Arthur/Merlin/Adult!Mordred - The Sweet Chaos of Camelot (PG13-PG17) @ ot3_100

Aug 22, 2009 13:26

Thank you ronsoftie for your lovely postcard!!♥♥♥
I love it! *BisousBisous*

Fandom: MERLIN
Claim: Arthur/Merlin/Adult!Mordred
Prompt + Number: Trigger (Promp #82)
Title: The Sweet Chaos of Camelot
Rating: PG
Warnings: No Beta. English isn't my mother tongue. Sorry ToT
Words : 358
Summary: Mordred is the only one who can get so easily under the king’s skin and wriggle out without much trouble.

The king stormed into his chamber like a mad man, the door hitting the wall hard.

Merlin gently got up leaving his unfinished work on the table. Theories on Magic would have to wait because the king clearly wouldn’t.

“Give me one good reason to not have his head cut off right now!” Arthur growled, sitting into his favorite armchair.

Merlin looked at his king, discreetly smiling, already knowing whom Arthur was talking about. It was always the same thing when it came to those two men.

“Because you’re a good and kind-hearted king, my lord?” he teasingly answered him.

Arthur looked at him, eyes narrowed.

“Not good enough, my dear Counselor” he threatened but a little smile was already playing on his lips.

Merlin stared at him a moment before laying a light hand on his tensed shoulder.

“Because you like him too much”

This wasn’t a question.

Arthur groaned. Then sighed.

“And Camelot knows the kid doesn’t deserve it!”

The kid, Mordred, wasn’t a kid anymore. He hasn’t been for years now. Though, a week couldn’t go without the young man making news and making tongues wag. He was a brilliant knight but the other ones disliked him because of his sharp tongue. He was an outstanding man and every woman in the castle noticed him and desired his poisonous lips.

The too sweet chaos of Camelot.

Arthur sighed again his powerful hands messing his golden hair.

“Why is still doing all of that again and again and…again?”

Merlin knew that when Mordred was in trouble, when people were speaking ill about him, Arthur was gnawed away by pain.

“Why is he torturing me?” the words didn’t need to be said to be heard by Merlin.

He sat carefully at Arthur’s feet, his head resting on his laps.

“Because he likes you too much, my king”

They stayed like that a long time, Arthur gently stroking Merlin’s dark and soft locks, quieting down, rediscovering once again why he would never agree to marry anyone. Merlin was his peace, his destiny.

“My beloved Enchanter” Arthur gently whispered to Merlin knowing Mordred would bail himself out once again.

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [comm] - ot3_100, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [prompts], [pairing] - arthur/merlin/mordred, [character] - merlin, [character] - mordred pendragon

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