Looking for a Default Icon

Jul 30, 2009 12:44

Hiya Darlings!

Just a little post here I promise! xD
I am thinking for a couple of days now that I really want to change my Default Icon.
I had the same one for years now, actually that one was my very first icon... I like it but I barely use it nowadays... and I don't know... I don't think it fits me anymore...

So, I wanted to ask you if you could help here!

I wish I could have a Default Icon that is representative of who I am and what I like^^
An icon made for me by someone I like!
So, if anyone of you would be nice enough to make me that Default icon I'd be more than grateful!
I know it is stupid but it is kind of important for me!

So... Please, help your little BabyD! You know you want to! ;)
*Tries her best puppy eyes*


[- to be done -], [me - myself & i]

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