Jul 13, 2009 22:14


So! At last, vacations are here!
Today was my last day at work \^O^/ Tomorrow I'm packing and on Wednesday I'm leaving with my mum for Nice!^^ Can't wait!

I suppose everbody knows that 14th July, "Bastille Day", is the French National Holiday.
We always have every towns celebrating it in front of the Town Concils or National Monuments. It can be on the 13th at night or the 14th. So we have two days of celebrations^^
My town has a huge bal tonight! (Often called Fire Guys' Ball because they are keeping an eye on people and I can tell you that girls like those balls...a lot xD)
And children already were screaming and throwing bangers all day long xD

By the way, today I left earlier from work and decided to go to an exhibition I didn't want to miss; Divine Beauties - Japanese Traditional Paitings "Nihon-ga" by MORITA Rieko and I really enjoyed myself. The paintings were wonderful. So beautiful, so peaceful.

Fading Time This is one of my favorite painting. There is just something so peaceful about that one.

Maiko (Season of chrysanthemum)

Hakujitsu I definitely was impressed by her floral paintings.

Autumn-chrysanthemum This is a painting on sliding doors. Those doors belong to the Golden Pavillon's residential palace.

HERE you are her official Website if you want to have a look^^

And, thanks, to all my LJ Friends who answered my polls! Really interesting answers!♥♥♥

[seasons] - 14th of july - bastille day, [art - painting reading singing], [pictures], [me - myself & i]

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