"Cupid's Arrow" ♥ ~ smallearth Valentine Challenge ~ ♥

Feb 16, 2009 23:14

Title: Cupid’s Arrow
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Oliver/Lex
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 479
Prompt: for the smallearth Valentine's Challenge, Team Oliver Queen - Cupid (Day 16th)
Summary: Why is Ollie still sparing his worst enemy life?

The arrow got stuck in his shoulder tearing his flesh.

The Green Arrow is approaching him. A feline grace. A predator dance.

« You should practice more, Robin Hood, or your clumsiness will become legendary » Lex Luthor teased the dangerous man, not forgetting the excessive amount of time their path already crossed.

A Luthor never looks-down. A Luthor never kowtows. He’ll watch his enemy straight in the face until the end. And he’ll fight back. Because he is as far as dangerous as the predator.

« Do not push your luck, Luthor » answered the man in his deep distorted voice pointed his crossbow at his face.

« I’m a very lucky man, it seems. Not even an extraordinary firework has been able to erase me, » he provoked again « You’ll have to complain to my guardian angel when you failed miserably in person».

Lex Luthor knows how to unnerve men, how to make them weaker. Provocation. Anger. Hate. They’re all very useful weapons.

« It would be a shame if it did. I wouldn’t have the pleasure to be here » smiled the green hood man, a bright smile, a revolting smile.

« I didn’t know you’re craving so much to be my Valentine » teased Lex not forgetting the day, the fourteenth February, a date he would have prefer to ignore.

If he just succeeded in keeping the man from a distance he’d be able to catch his gun.

« You definitely are a lucky man, Luthor » growled the man leaning above him « I’m the only Valentine you ever had who didn’t want so badly to kill you».

Lex grinded his teeth when the man took out the arrow.

« Death would be too good for you… »

Now Lex can feel the warmth of the man breath on his face, much warmer than his blood flowing down his arm.

« You better kill me now rather than letting me have a chance to track you down » he threatened trying to catch the gun he is keeping on him.

« I’m the hunter here, sweetheart » snorted the Green Arrow « And don’t make me truss you up! »

« Is that a phantasm of yours Little Green Hood? » whispered Lex and now they’re definitely too close to feel comfortable.

Lex knew his men were on their way, but the Green Arrow was faster.

They didn’t catch him. And Lex was glad. He would have been disappointed otherwise.

His Valentine was gone leaving him with a damaged arm and a painful hard on.

He definitely always had a thing for heroes. He just didn’t know the masked one was hotter. And now he had found one that will play his wicked game.

The hunt was open and Lex won’t be the prey. He never was.

He’ll catch the Green Arrow. Alive.

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [pairing] - lex/oliver, [seasons] - valentine day, [character] - lex luthor, [comm] - smallearth, [fanfic] - valentine day, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [fandom] - smallville, [fanfic] - challenge

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