My Dear babydracky

Feb 08, 2009 22:29

Leave a list of fictional characters in your journal that you would love to get a message from. Your f- and f-of-list's mission, should they choose to accept it, to write you an in-character "letter" from a character on that list. Then they post their own list in their journal and the process continues! Post them as comments, please.

Ou en français...

Postez dans votre journal une liste de personnages fictifs dont vous aimeriez recevoir un message. La mission de votre Flist et des amis de votre Flist, s'ils l'acceptent, est de vous écrire une "lettre" (à comprendre ici : un commentaire) de la part d'un personnage de cette liste. Ensuite, ce sera à eux de poster leur propre liste dans leur LJ et le cercle continue !

Do I have to leave a list of characters that I love? ÖÖ
Ok, I'll!

- Arthur Pendragon, Merlin (BBC Merlin)
- Morgana, Mordred (Arthurian Legens)
- Pyro, Iceman, Mystique (X-men -Movieverse)
- Rufus Shinra (Final Fantasy VII)
- Oliver Queen, Bart Allen, AC (Smallville)
- Helo (Battlestar Galactica)
- Zeke Tyler (The Faculty)
- Peter Penvensie, Edmund Pevensie (Narnia)
- Erik/The Phantom of the Opera
- Tyler Simms, Reid Garwin (The Covenant)
- Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)
- Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (Batman)
- Professor Payne, The ghost in the Archives (;p) (Ghost Whisperer)
- Draco Malfoy, Marcus Flint, Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
- Ivan Drago (Rocky IV)
- Emmett Cullens, Marcus, Stefan & Vladimir (Twilight)
- Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Pete Dunham (Green Street Hooligans)
- Harry Osbourn (Spiderman - movieverse)
- Human Torch (Fantastic Four - Movieverse)
- The Sorceress, Orko, Cringer (The Masters of the Universe)
- Adora/She-ra, Frosta, Catra (She-ra Princess of Power)
- Will, Tyler (Traveler)
- Xena, Ares (Xena Princess Warrior)
- Lestat (Interview with a Vampire)
- Richard Cypher (Legend of Seeker)
- Boromir (Lord of the Rings)
... Or if you think about someone that I forgot you're more than welcome! ;)))

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [meme], [fandom] - smallville, [character] - bart allen/impulse, [fanfic] - for me, [fanfic] - gifts, [fanfic] - challenge

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