Pictures Pictures Pictures

Feb 01, 2009 20:01

A week ago I did that meme

Want to see something in my everyday life? Request with what you'd like me to take a picture of. It can be anything you want. My car, my favorite soft toy... anything! You can request for as many as you'd like. I'll post the pictures up after a few days.

Here you are the pictures you asked me!^^

pippii asked for my favorite teddy bear or cuddle-toy.
I could have posted my hubby's picture, you know, but I won't! ;p
So here you are my fav cuddle-toys, I'm actually sleeping with them (and the hubby) everynight^^

This is PITOU. My mum bought it to me when I was a little child, around years old. I saw him, all alone, and told mum we can't leave him alone and she agreed to take him home!;) He has been everywhere with me. He really is with me anytime I travel^^

Here you are Yasca! The hubby bought her to me when we were in Finland the day he proposed to me! ;)

le_mouton asked for my meridian and everything on it.
So, I have a meridian in my working room where my friends can sleep when they come home... And I have put my BJD Dolls on it.

Here you are all my BJD Dolls!^^

kyurane asked for a bookcase or a piece of furniture where I keep my books, DVD, Games...

Here you are of of them in my working room. I don't have video games. I have very few books at home because I left them at my mum's flat. I didn't take all my DVD. But hey... It's already something^^

blackbirdj2 asked for my dolls collection.
Well... I have around 200 dolls... BJD, Barbie, Tyler... So I just can't take all of them in picture and they're at my mum's. I definitely have to take them home.
So... You have a picture of all my BJD above but here you are pictures of my last Barbie Doll that I got for my last birthday, it was a present from utako04 and a picture of my favorite Tyler!

This is the Golden Angel Barbie

This is MORGANA!♥
This doll is OOAK Tyler Doll (Raven Sydney Doll) made by Cheryl Crawford. You can find her work at Crawford Manor. It is a comission I asked from her. You can see her HERE
Everybody knows around how much I like Morgana's character!^^

Hope you liked the pictures!^^
That was fun!♥

[doll] - tonner, [meme], [doll] - barbie & mattel, [me - myself & i], [candles], [pictures], [character] - morgane le fay, [bjd]

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