MERLIN - Drabble ♥ Challenge : Heartbreak @ merlin_drabbles

Jan 11, 2009 19:35

As I promised you, I began to write my MERLIN's drabbles^^
( HERE is the post if you want to leave me a prompt)

The first one is for ineptshieldmaid!
I hope you'll like that little drabble and thank you for a so interesting prompt^^
I do like Uther a lot! ;)))

Fandom : Merlin
Title: Uther is a King
Characters/Pairing: Uther
Prompt: Regret
For: ineptshieldmaid
Words: 206
Rating: PG
Note: Merci à ma petite puce sequinedfairy d'être une aussi adorable beta! ;))

Uther wouldn’t say he is a good king but he is doing what he truly thinks is right for his people and his kingdom. Everything he does, everything he fights for, he does for them. And nobody has the right to judge or condemn him. He is the one who could blame, judge and condemn.
Uther knows he isn’t a good father to Arthur. He is proud of him and he knows he is a great knight. Arthur deserves to be prized, standby and cherished. He just can’t tell him so. Show him so. A prince doesn’t have a father to hold him but a king to obey and serve.
Uther sometimes wishes he doesn’t hold Arthur responsible for Ygraine’s death. His first cry was her last breath. It hurts to look into those periwinkle blue eyes, Ygraine’s eyes, and see deep pain melting in them.
Uther doesn’t love anything more than Ygraine’s child, his son, but those feelings have to be sealed. A king doesn’t show love to a prince, he shows him the path he’d have to go through.
More than a father and a son, there are a king and a king-to-be.
This is the weight of his inheritance. The weight of regrets.

[character] - uther pendragon, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [prompts], [comm] - merlin_drabbles, [fandom] - merlin, [fanfic] - challenge

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